Leaderboards moderation requests thread
9 years ago

...by a month!

Tried to msg him somehow? :)

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Twitch msgs?

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Oklahoma, USA

Hey! :) Every mod for the Submachine series appears to be inactive. There is also no way for me to contact any of them. I'm a huge fan of the Submachine games! Would it be possible for me to become a mod for the game? (None of them have been on in months it looks like! O _ O) https://www.speedrun.com/submachine I plan on doing a speedrun for each game in the series so...


Edited by the author 5 years ago
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Do I post here to ask for mod removal?

One terrible guy n1nj4ofshr3d is not doing a goob job...being a nice person! Too much hate coming, weird & questionable behavour...

By the looks of it, its some "not worthiness" thing...not healthy for the community!

When something simple as trying to talk to him is exceedingly DIFFICULT...

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

@thatgrapeisaspy he's not a supermod so no he cannot.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and
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Michigan, USA

Good evening, neither moderator for the Wii Sports leaderboards have been online for more than a month at this point, one of which at 4 months. I'd like to request to be added as a moderator as I moderate the Wii Sports Resort leaderboards and am one of the more active runners. I have not been able to get in contact with either moderator at this point. Thanks for reading.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and
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What methods have you tried to get in contact with the mods? Whilst TheRuseMan seems to have gone inactive on all media platforms, Plyd823 was active on Twitch 12 hours ago and may be able to verify your run.

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Hello, I would like to be Geometry Dash Meltdown moderator. Waiting for your reply.

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He/Him, It/Its
7 years ago

[quote] Hello, I would like to be Geometry Dash Meltdown moderator. Waiting for your reply. [/quote] Hai, you have to contact the moderators of the leaderboard first. This is a last resort thread.

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Hello, We cannot get in touch with Yammlamm who mods Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island. We would like to add more mods but that's impossible as he's the only supermod of the game. He's inactive and hasn't been online on this website for a year. I ask that he is taken off the boards as a mod and that I can be the new Supermod

United States

Hi, I'd like to request a mod change for the leaderboard of the game Antenna. The current mod has been inactive on SDC for 3 months and their Twitch account also seems to be inactive. There are no other mods for this game to reach out to, so I'm making a change request here.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Michigan, USA

@Ozotuh I sent him a message on twitch and I'm waiting to hear back on that

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@snes_fanatic Timmiluvs already said this before, it doesn't seem like you actually read this thread in general though but "snes_fanatic, you can't just use this thread to get mod because "you want to moderate hacks".

This is a last resort thread for when you need a run verified or something to be done with a game and you can't contact any of the mods because they've been MIA for 3+ weeks. That game has a single run so it's more than likely that the moderator isn't in need of any assistance on the game. If you have a run pending for the game, you can contact them on their social media links to get it resolved.

If you're so inclined, you can also reach out to the moderator and ask them to give you mod, but it's unlikely they'll add you unless there is a huge need for it."

YUMmy_Bacon5, toca and 4 others like this
Pennsylvania, USA

http://www.speedrun.com/pigbig Did a run, would like to be a mod for this game. #PigLitty Mod hasn't been on in 3 weeks.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

[quote]@kirkq what means I must do a run of this game of the game" if I want to request it? I must write in additional notes the link of my run of that game?[/quote] Doing a run means doing a run. Play it, time it, record it, post it, and then you might be more legitimate.


I would like to request mod for both the WWF Smackdown! Just Bring It and the True Crime: New York City leaderboards:

-For the first one, well, i've had five runs awaiting verification for the past 2-3 months

-For the second one, i've been trying to build a little community around as i believe it deserves one, and we have a few runs awaiting verification from me and new people. Having new runners wait quite a bit for verification is quite a let down too, since they could just drop the game. Moreover, we tried contacting the current mod for the game on Twitter, and we got no response.

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Zachoholic like this
Ohio, USA

Hey there! I would like to moderate Puzzle Star Sweep, the game has been dormant for over a year and I've made a post trying to get a hold of any of the two mods two weeks ago with no luck. I actually grew up with this game, so much so that I have beaten every record on the leaderboards on my first try. I have beaten all of the records on the game by over a minute and I have run a lot of the categories that are currently empty (I'm waiting to get mod to post them, since the mods seen to be gone). I'm looking forward to becoming a mod so I can help breathe new life into this awesome game! Hopefully if I post a time in every category it will spur on some new runners to try whatever category they feel comfortable with. The old record runner said he would return as well to try to post some times. Thanks a lot and thanks for all the work you do here!

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Ohio, USA

@xAnd3rson19x Right on thanks for the info ;)

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United States

Hello @NekohDot. I am very active within the site; moderating a few games as well. I'll be glad to help you with Bluntmetroid's Super Mario World hack, Super Itami World as I have a manageable schedule, in addition with my university semester ending in a week.

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