faith area glitch?
6 years ago
Colorado, USA

dont know if this will be usefull or not but you can stop yourself from being taken in faiths area if you just stay in a car and pull off faction points from the car as long as you dont get out you dont get taken could be usefull if you could skip some of her trials this way


Unfortunately even if you get to 13000 points that way you'll still have to go through all the "captures" to trigger the final one, I've tried :p It works like that for the other regions too

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"Speedglitch" subcategory has been added on all categories

Hello everyone!

Big_Jim recently shared a glitch with us that speeds up the game by about x6,5 speed. Because of this, we have created a new "speedglitch" subcategory for all existing categories. All existing runs have been put in the corresponding "no speedglitch" subcategory.

See this guide for

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