Can you add gametime runs? What about divide it by classes?
7 years ago

(1) You know, like add runs where only the actual time shown by the game counts. In racing games where time automatically adds up it's quite cool to have that kind of run. It allows for better tuning of the car if possible and loading times stop being important. It focuses more on the racing side of things.

(2) Since the game features 3 extremely different classes, can you add them as ways of running the game too? This way it opens for more possible records, more challenge, more ways to play it competitively.

United States

Sure, I didn't add anything before since I didn't know anyone else actually played it.

United States

In fact it would be better to have the in game time shown by the game count overall instead of a separate category. That way emulators won't have an advantage.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Yeah we're going to need a forward and reverse for each category ;)

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