Galactic Conquest #2 Empire
Galactic Conquest #2 Empire
Updated 6 years ago by lako3000

Galactic Conquest: Dark Reign of the Empire

(Rebels 10 Planets) (Empire 3 Planets)

Pre-Run Note

Righto, so with GC there’s a lot of rng and ai manipulation within the run and I would advise you to check out my ai manipulation guide before taking on a serious speedrun of GC because otherwise, you’re in for a long run, most likely over an hour. Be aware that on pc I have soft locked the game multiple times when trying to do save/load ai manipulation strats, the screen just sits on a blank load save menu with the back option however its unable to be clicked, restarting game will need to occur in order to continue the run Save/load ai manipulation is done after every level to get best rng however in some circumstances it would be quicker to do a defence instead of save/loading for a few mins The first part of doing a GC run for Empire is to get the best spawn location for you and the Rebel ships on the map which requires a lot of restarting.


  • Best spawn I have gotten is with Rebels on hoth and you either on endor or literally anywhere else. All should be good as long as rebels are on hoth initially
  • Follow this map here for a turn by turn run through of where your going to move your ship as the run progresses:


1st Map Mygeeto

  • Purchase Leader bonus for later
  • Spawn at command post 4 and rush 2
  • Capture 2 and kill all enemies surrounding 2 making sure that no go towards 3
  • Allies will capture 3 whilst u rush command post 1 through the centre of the map, killing all enemies on your way
  • Capture 1 and check on command post 2 to make sure no one is retaking it


Before you get your second map the rebels will most likely be attacking mustafar and there will be no escape from this battle, so your gonna have to do it but this is why we got leader bonus to make it as fast as possible. Defence on Mustafar

  • Spawn anikin on 0 and rush 5
  • Capture 5 and rush 2
  • After 2 is captured kill surrounding units and rush the final command post
  • Spam dash attacks to kill units while capturing 1 in order to stay alive After you defend the enemy ship is going to be destroyed and they will place it on their next turn, you want them to place it on hoth or near hoth so that the next defence will be on mustafar again and not a space battle. Skipping their turn will delay the inevitable but also works in this situation

2nd Map Yavin IV

  • Purchase Enhanced Blaster bonus
  • Spawn at 3 and get some units to follow u as you rush command post 5 and capture
  • Rush command post 6 although go along the hill so u can look over 4 and kill rebel troopers trying to head towards and capture 4
  • Whilst capturing 6 look across at 5 and kill rebel troopers trying to recapture
  • Head to command post 7 and capture


Save/load Ai manipulation to get a good enemy ship spawn if they havnt spawned it already, otherwise try skip their turn or have them move in a better position so you don’t have another defend map so soon

3rd Map Felucia

  • Purchase Auto torrets for Felucia
  • Purchase Sabotage Bonus just in case u are forced into a space battle
  • Purchase Enhanced Blasters For Kashyyk
  • Spawn on command post 2 and get units to follow u as you rush command post 3 and then 4, capturing both
  • Rush over to 6 to stop recapture and then head on to command post 5
  • Capture command post 5


Use Save/load Ai manipulation as needed and then head onto the 4th map of the run

4th Map Kashyyk

  • Spawn at 3 and take a vehicle to command post 2, shooting their vehicles so they are low hp
  • Capture command post 2 and rush command post 1
  • Breach the sea wall
  • Capture command post 1
  • Most of the time command post 1 is too hard to capture so your gonna have to spend ages killing units for victory


Well your most likely gonna have another defence battle sometime around now so make sure its on a fast map, mustafar or mygeeto are good fast ones.

5th Map Mos Eisley

  • Purchase Autoturrets
  • Spawn at command post 3 and rush 4
  • Capture 4 and rush 5, hopefully allies will go for 6 which is the best rng
  • Capture 5 and if you need to respawn at command post 1
  • Rush capture command post 6


Some more of that save/load manipulation

6th Map Naboo

  • At some point around this time if you have excess of 3000 credits buy some units
  • Purchase Auto turrets
  • Spawn at 5 and rush 4
  • Capture 4 and respawn at 1 to stop enemy rebels from capturing it
  • Rush and capture command post 2
  • Rush and capture command post 3
  • Check on command post 4


7th Map Dagobah

  • Spawn vader and rush command post 2
  • Capture command post 2 and rush 1, ensuring no enemies head towards 3 or 6
  • Capture 1


8th Map Utapou

  • Purchase Enhanced Blasters bonus
  • Spawn at 6 and rush command post 2
  • Capture 2 and rush capture 3
  • Capture 3 then head on towards the final command post and capture


9th Map Polis Masa

  • Purchase enhanced blaster bonus
  • Spawn on 3 and rush capture 4
  • Capture 4 and rush 5
  • Capture 5 and rush back around to 4 and kill units for victory, go towards 6 if need be


10th Map Hoth

  • Purchase Leader Bonus
  • Spawn at 2 and rush capture 3
  • After that, rush capture 4
  • Ez game ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤