Username Change Requests / Account Deletions
9 years ago

Hi, could you please change my name from Manix05 to just Manix? That account hasn't been online for 4 months. Thanks.

Massachusetts, USA

Hey, please change my name from Wryyouni to NotASkittle? Thanks.

Texas, USA

Can mine please be changed from UKO to ukobotic? Decided to go for consistency across all social media accounts. Thank you!!

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Can my name be changed from antigravitymomentum to zetadezorro? I use that username on other social media and people get confused to find me here.

United States

Alright so I'm totally serious this time. I want my name changed to "SoakedSock". I changed both my Twitch and Youtube to that.

United States

Manix05: I've generally been going with a really metric for deleting accounts. No runs, no posts, offline more than a year, etc. So by those standards, I wouldn't ever delete that account by another user's request. (contrary to other person's post, he has indeed been offline 4 months.)


Would you please change my name to AlexGoesFast? Thank you!

Oregon, USA

can you change my name to LittleNarwhale? Please? Thank you!


Hi, could you change my username to poor_little_pinkus please?


kirkq: Ah okay, sorry about that.

United Kingdom

Can i have my name to 'Jupiter'


There is already a user by the name of "Jupiter". Make sure to search the username you wish to change your account to to see if it's taken already.

Virginia, USA

Can I get my username changed from "RikotheFoxKid" to "Riko"? I made the name 10 years ago when I was 12. These days I almost always just go by Riko.