6 years ago
Illinois, USA

I'm getting ready to run PR and was told there is a beginners guide floating around somewhere. I see Sidetrakkd's guide, which I was told is more advanced.

Anyone know of the other guide? I'd like to get as much information as possible.

Also, is there a PR Discord?

Thanks everyone


I tossed together a quick Beginners Guide. It's not incredibly in depth, but it should show you a quick and easy route through the game without taking too many risk. I would also recommend watching the Intermediate/Advanced tutorial at whatever point you feel comfortable -- it has a lot of information in it, but it might be a bit overwhelming when you're first learning the game. I bounce between incredibly difficult strats and movements, and just basic knowledge of the game that might not seem obvious at first. It's useful information to have, but depending how you process information, it might not be the best place to start. I would personally start using it when you're consistently completing deathless runs, and get into the 14:45-15:15 range.

I would recommend:

  1. Playing through the game on your own first, and learning the levels and how to move and how the enemies move, and how the bosses move. This will give you a basic understanding of the game, and what each section can throw at you. That way you'll develop a bit of an understanding of how to react and respond when you fail a couple of tricks or forget how to do something. Time it if you want, you should be able to finish the game in under 20 minutes fairly early on, probably within your first day of playing.

  2. Watch the Beginner Guide I just posted. That'll give you an incredibly basic understanding of the game and how to finish the "speedrun" fairly safely. You can easily get a 15 minute time using the Beginner guide and not dying. Using the Beginner Guide safe strats, I think the best that you can do is probably a high 14 minute time -- probably around 14:45.

  3. Once you feel you've mastered the main game, watch the Intermediate/Advanced Guide. It goes into how to reduce lag, how lag works, risky strats you can attempt, and the WR route. It also covers how cycles work, where you can save and lose time very easily, and a few spots you can save tiny increments of time that will add up over the course of the run. With the Intermediate/Advanced Guide and a good understanding of the game -- and good shrimp RNG -- you should be able to get a sub-14 minute time fairly easily.

  4. If you feel the Intermediate/Advanced tutorial is throwing too much at you and you're having a hard time completing runs, watch KuningasEST's Marathon Safe run here: With a basic understanding of the game, it shows you how to consistently get a mid-14 minute time using a combination of safe strats and slightly riskier strats.

  5. Start grinding for WR. =D

There is no Discord channel that I'm aware of, unfortunately. If you have any questions, DM me on Twitch and I'll see if I can help you out.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
twin0mega likes this

Updated previous post with a beginners guide. Ignore what I originally posted =P

Illinois, USA

Hey huge thanks! very much appreciated. I like to get as much info as I can about a game from different angles, runners, etc. It helps me see possible time saves and reasons that certain things are done. Anyhow, again, big thanks!

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