About 100% Completion for the DS version
10 months ago
Barcelona, Catalonia

While playing a casual run of this game, I wanted to fully complete everything the game had to offer, but I didn't see any guide for it for the DS version, so I had to do it myself, in case that someone would run this game, I want to remark that it seems that there's some extra collectables on this version that weren't present on the GBA version (2 of the ones involves on the side quest), one of them was able to be given, or at least that's what the game tells me, while for the other, I haven't found the NPC, which may not even be on the game.

Another important thing to remark, is that the game, in my case, didn't show 100% completion, but 101%, just in case someone wants to give a try to a 100% run and goes only for 100% instead of the actual full completion.


So if i understand it correctly, you have made a guide? Can we access that guide?

From what i just read, this also means we arent sure 101% is the final number we want for "100%" completion. I did a quick google search and asked chat GPT but neither can give me an answer. Usualy when it comes to games that have a "true completion" percentage, it goes to 102 .... sometimes 110% even. I think spyro has 120% even.

Worth researching.

Barcelona, Catalonia

No, sadly I didn't make a guide, nor I wrote where the collectables where.

All I used was this video that showed where mostly everything was, but it was missing some photos, and it shows 2 less items than what the DS version had (which don't have a section for them in the inventory, so I guess they're missing from GBA), and about max percent, I can't say it's 101% or 102%, I did everything the game had to offer but delivering one key item to an NPC (which doesn't give any part or photo, I got all of those), so I imagine that it shouldn't be higher than 102%, I also unlocked all the mini games, even the bonus ones, but they don't seem to be related to the save file, but the whole game, so I don't think they increase the percentage.


Ow boy, this is a tricky one. I never even played this version...

Would you be interested in running this console version? If you want i can make the ruleset if you can tell me what exactly adds to the % counter? Because that seems to be the thing to focus on here.

Barcelona, Catalonia

Running this game is not one of my priorities, the DS version feels a lot clunky compared to what I've seen on the PS2 version, which seems far more polished, I made this post because I went to the speedrun page to see if anyone ever did a 100% run of the game so I could use that as a guide, and since I found that there was no information at all, I just wanted to tell this in case anyone would run it in the future, seeing there's no documentation at all for the GBA/DS version, and the normal thing would be to assume that the max percent would be the same number than the other version, which is 100%.

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