IG or RTA?
7 years ago
United States

I'd like to get an answer from the moderator before posting a run. Do the leaderboards go by real time, or in-game?

I've feel like they're all RTAs, but the rules seem phrased a bit vaguely, so I just want to be sure.

EDIT: Oh, whoops. I was on mobile when I asked this, and that only shows the leaderboard under a "Time" category. Now looking at it on my laptop, I can see the full list. Definitely RTA.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

http://imgur.com/a/DwENh The runs will be displayed like this. IGT runs looks like this http://imgur.com/a/T7aW7 on your profile page, so it's RTA.. c: ?

United States

Thanks. That's kinda disappointing if that's the case, being that it's much more of a pain to stream from the Switch than to just share a screenshot.


The mod has been offline for the past 5 days so you might have to wait if you want his answer. Personally even though the in-game time lags far behind the IG time since it stops every time you lose control of your character, i kinda value it more than the RT.

United States

I feel like at the very least there should be a section for IG time. It just feels right, especially since the end credits screen lays out the times for both the total run and each individual level. It'd definitely open up speed running the game to a lot more people.

Though if the mod has been offline for a while, that quickly dashes those dreams...

Cannon_Tortoise likes this

I've been considering picking this game up, but don't presently run it so treat my opinion accordingly.

The Shantae and the Pirate's Curse boards might be a good cue here - we rank runs by RTA, but have a spot for IGT. It provides an interesting comparison.

InkyBlots likes this

We have an time for IGT too if you look at the character run leaderboards, it's just that RT will show up first. IGT is usually around 10~ minutes faster than the RT.

InkyBlots likes this
Texas, USA

I wanted to ask if RTA time is required for game submissions and would just IGT be ok? Doesn't matter to me which it is just i just would like to know so when i render out a submission video if i should put a RTA time on the video or not in post production


The leaderboards are sorted by RTA so even if you have a good IGT run you would see your time in the bottom. It's not much trouble for us to check the RTA ourselves when you post your run, so it's completely up to you if you want to include it or not.

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