Fast disc speed gg
7 years ago
United States

If you, the reader, come away from this post with the conclusion that, "this guy's just salty" that is fine as you can read it however you want. I just wanted to post about my feelings concerning fast disc speed in MK4 and why I will not compete to reclaim the 1st place time(s).

Firstly, I have no issues against fast disc speed overall as quicker loading times are great and it is the fastest way to play Ps1 games. Mk4 was the first game where even though I knew it would be faster I was personally not ok with enabling it for the simple fact that it corrupts all of the audio in the game. When you run a game for several hours at a time listening to audio glitching isn't very fun, not to mention it made the game harder to watch for twitch viewers. The runs at the time didn't use it either so I figured they felt the same way. It was one of the few times where I found that fast disc speed broke the game so I sacrificed speed for play ability and watch ability.

I enjoy, in a weird way, when someone beats one of my times as it gives me a great excuse to go back and play the game again. If my run was beaten normally, I would compete to reclaim it because I love friendly competition as it can help grow and strengthen a community. However, if the only way to compete is to switch a hardware setting and play the game in a broken state than I feel the same way as I did when I started running MK4, that to me the tradeoff isn't worth it.

Good luck to any future MK4 runners,


Texas, USA

we were using a psone until you came in and started using a ps2 and trying to hide it. we discovered that you were using a ps2 so I then decided to use a ps2 also. you started this, not us. all of my runs show the bootup screen for the psone, showing that it was being used. however, you did not show your bootup screen. although you did show your bootup screen for your MK trilogy runs on the psone. your MK4 runs were cut but from a 4 hour video which did not include bootup either. we have solid evidence that you were using a ps2 for your MK4 runs and a ps2 naturally plays the games faster than a psone even when they are set to normal disk speeds.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Michigan, USA

@GameGlitchGuy, you undercut my Trilogy record by half by enabling fast disc speed.

It's all good there. I don't see the problem here.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Brendon_Meares likes this
Michigan, USA

Trilogy does crash at the end on the PS2 and PS3, but that doesn't affect speedrunning.

@JessicaSix Are you accusing GameGlitchGuy of cheating? Because his loading times are not 200% faster. The major reason why he crushed my record is because of that nifty Goro pattern. Fast disc speed was only part of it.

I also lost a few rounds in my run... It's a pretty mediocre run, I'll admit.

Brendon_Meares likes this
Texas, USA

if you all want to go back to psone then we will all go back to psone. but that means all of gameglitchguys runs will be rejected and stripped from the leaderboard and 2 of my runs will be replaced with the older runs done on the psone. plain and simple. but as far as im concerned, the more players on the leaderboard, the better. so keeping gameglitchguy on the leaderboard is what we want. so in that respect you could say that the leaderboard is more about collecting players and less about collecting fans.

Texas, USA

@JessicaSix the reason yours is a blue boot-up screen is because it is a PAL dreamcast. all NTSC dreamcasts boot-up red and all PAL dreamcasts boot-up blue. if your boot-up is red some of the time, it is because you have a modified dreamcast.

TheKombatKing likes this
Texas, USA

@JessicaSix: talk to Zen_Aku about why he allows emulated runs. I do not have enough emulator knowledge to debate this.

Texas, USA

@JessicaSix. We allow emulators because it allows more players to play on the leaderboard. some people do not have the original copy of the game. so this broadens the competition. it does not limit players based on their equipment needed to play. if it was such a problem, then why hasn't there been a problem? how about you come talk to us when there is a current problem? because all you are doing is telling me there is a problem when there clearly isnt one. its just blahblahblah crap. i have all the records on this leader board for playstation and N64. and i have all the records for MK Gold. i used original hardware for all of my runs and that can be seen on video. you can actually see the boot-up screens. did i use an emulator for any of my runs? thats a big fat NO. so whats the issue here?

@JessicaSix If emulators are such a big problem, how about you beat one of my records using an emulator. go ahead and try. prove to me that emulators are a problem.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

I Haven't checked this thread since my initial post but since there are some replies I suppose I'll reply myself.

"we were using a psone until you came in and started using a ps2 and trying to hide it. we discovered that you were using a ps2 so I then decided to use a ps2 also. you started this, not us. all of my runs show the bootup screen for the psone, showing that it was being used. however, you did not show your bootup screen. although you did show your bootup screen for your MK trilogy runs on the psone. your MK4 runs were cut but from a 4 hour video which did not include bootup either. we have solid evidence that you were using a ps2 for your MK4 runs and a ps2 naturally plays the games faster than a psone even when they are set to normal disk speeds."

If I was trying to hide it I would not have kept a 4 hour highlight ("solid proof") of the entire stream. Anytime I run a Ps1 game using a Ps2 I always note in the description "Played on Ps2 with fast disc speed enabled", I didn't note it here because I was not using fast disc speed and if there was a selection for Ps2 under the platform when you submit I would have used it. If Ps2 plays the game faster without fast disc speed enabled then that's something I was unaware of but since it's essentially emulation I Imagine you're correct.

"Play MK-Trilogy on the PS2 should be generally banned. Because the game do not really work on the PS2 or PS3 system. The game crash very often, the game crash all the time on the ending, the enemy cpu do not work correctly."

MK Trilogy definitley crashes on Ps2 every time when you get to the Trophy Selection(?) Screen but I never had the game crash anywhere else. I don't know about the enemy AI since even if played on a Ps1 Goro would still destroy everyone in the same way.

"if you all want to go back to psone then we will all go back to psone. but that means all of gameglitchguys runs will be rejected and stripped from the leaderboard and 2 of my runs will be replaced with the older runs done on the psone. plain and simple. but as far as im concerned, the more players on the leaderboard, the better. so keeping gameglitchguy on the leaderboard is what we want. so in that respect you could say that the leaderboard is more about collecting players and less about collecting fans."

I'd personally be ok with Mk4 and even Mkt being ps1 (original harware) only but that may turn away anyone new who may want to get on the board. If neither Mk4 or Mkt play properly on Ps2 which, I'll admit they really don't, it would make some sense. Even if I lost both the Mk4 and Mkt runs I'd be fine with it as I love both of those games and would run them again. Honestly I don't really care either way but it would make sure everyone is on the same level since Ps1 games are weird in that you can play them faster with a simple Ps2 (fds) setting or Emu.

Last things to note is I did not start this thread to create a shitstorm or imply that Brendon did anything wrong by using fast disc speed as it was never banned and is fair game. I'm not looking to create enemies or breed hostility, my first post was just explaining why I didn't personally like fast disc speed in Mk4 since it corrupts the audio. We are all here to play games and have fun and if we can play against others who are also good at the games we love then it makes it all the better.

EDIT: I forgot that Mkt also crashes on the Game Over screen but I never had it crash during a match or anywhere other than the Trophy selection (I think it's called Shao Kahns treasure or something, I have no idea lol) and the Game Over.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
TheKombatKing likes this
Texas, USA

@GameGlitchGuy dont worry, you are not starting a shit storm. this was something that i do not mind discussing. your 4 hour video on twitch did not show the boot-up screen in the beginning of the video, however; we found out that you were using a PS2 because of liu kangs eye brows. his eye brows indicate whether or not a PS2 or a PSONE was used. if you can show me footage of the PSONE booting up in the 4 hour video, then i will dismiss my allegations. further more, if MKT breaks when using a PS2 then that sounds to me like that is a disadvantage. if so, then it does not matter if someone uses a PS2 to play it.

now i would like to discuss whether or not to allow fast disk speed. if we decided to not use fast disk speed then i would need the disk speed selection shown in all of the video submissions because it is inconvenient for me to frame by frame every submission to discover if they are using it or not. which means i would have to reject anyones submission that does not show the disk speed selection in the video. not allowing fast disk speed can be done but it will be a difficult task to manage and players needing to show the disk speed selection on video would be an inconvenience for them. we also need to look at consistency in fast disk speed as far as im aware of has been acceptable in the majority of games here on if we did not allow it, then MK4 would be an exception and a minority to this websites standards.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

There really aren't any allegations as i'm not denying using a Ps2. I may have not said it as bluntly as needed but I assumed I explained that here.

"Anytime I run a Ps1 game using a Ps2 I always note in the description "Played on Ps2 with fast disc speed enabled", I didn't note it here because I was not using fast disc speed ¤¤and if there was a selection for Ps2 under the platform when you submit I would have used it¤¤."

As for showing the boot screen I obviously cant show a Ps1 boot but I would say check out that 4 hour stream from 1:03:20 to at least 1:04:05. And I'm sure Iv'e reset the console several more times but I don't want to watch 4 hours of my own stuff :) .

Now, for knowing if someone uses fast disc speed it's very simple. Listen to my and your audio at the character select screen. Hear quite a difference? Listen to when it says Round (whatever fight) and Liu Kang (or whomever) wins. Hear how sped up it is between mine and yours?

I am not going to give an opinion on whether or not fast disc speed should be acceptable in Mk4 as that was never an argument of mine. I just didn't like it because of what it did to the audio, it felt like it broke the game a bit to me. I'm sure it's my childhood nostalgia for it that disappears when the audio is corrupted but it personally, to me, didn't feel right. As for Mkt, yes it crashes at certain points but it felt like the same game. Honestly I feel like it should all be played on original hardware but is not as stringent as twin galaxies and that may be for the best as more can be included.

lot of feels in that paragraph but I'm going to keep it as is.


Texas, USA

@JessicaSix. is not the only place that i have all the MK4 records on. Try Twingalaxies. you will see I have dominated there also. And as far as you beating my times, I will believe it when i see it.

Michigan, USA

@JessicaSix I thought you were done when you deleted your runs. What exactly are you trying to achieve by coming over here and crapping on the leaderboards? The original topic here doesn't even concern you.

Just go away.

Texas, USA

@JessicaSix and BTW when have you ever beat any of my records? i dont see your times on the leader board anywhere.

Texas, USA

@TheKombatKing he thinks that because he has vast knowledge about MK that he is entitled to be the best speedrunner of MK. im sorry JessicaSix but there is a difference between knowing a lot and actually playing the games for first place record times.

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