Twitch Banners?
10 years ago
Hampshire, England

I wanted something for people to click in my twitch bio, but all there really is for this site is the SpeedRunRecords thing at the top and that's not quite big enough, can someone with some artistic skill make something for us? :(


That sounds like a great idea! I don't really recognize the font of the logo though. :(


Actually it seems to be a slightly edited Revue or On Stage Serial Xbold:


I made two simple mockups with 320px:


The first has strong style and the other sharp style, I think strong is more close to the original logo.

Bonus with line removed: [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]

Joshimuz likes this
Hampshire, England

Ok, so I posted this 3 months ago and then kinda forgot about it. Can someone be amazing and make an Updated logo for me. Just the plain style that LuaTanuki did is awesome :P I'll give it a shot myself with the fonts linked but I doubt I can get it right

Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
9 years ago

Here's the GTA font one with a transparent background.

(eidgod gave this to me, I'm assuming he got it from you Pac?)

Imaproshaman and MuXu96 like this