Just went OOB in the overworld
7 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Ok, I'm definitely not going to bother going under the pole for wr attempts. Check out this ridiculous run I got with the regular cycle skip (but going straight up instead of bouncing off the walls- honestly not much harder tbh)


Michigan, USA

that's like what, 1.4s ahead of WR? nice!! Not sure where you managed to find all that timesave but good luck finishing out a run! I probably won't find time to play this until at least december or you beat my time, whichever is first :)

Victoria, Australia

Yeah I honestly have no idea either. It would have to mostly be from the faster cycle skip, going underneath the machine at the start of factory (you did that in wr, but still a timesave compared to what I usually did) and being way faster in the 3rd machine room.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

is audio required in the video? i got a 2:31.983 but the audio didn't work :(

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Michigan, USA

woah awesome time!! I don’t think audio should be strictly required personally. more incentive to beat it though :) have you put the video anywhere yet?

Michigan, USA

just watched the end of the twitch vod, great run! first lava section, factory, and underworld all seemed very fast and improved from my run, with the only significant mistake happening in the second lava section. seems like audio just cut off partway through your stream, unlucky but I don’t think it’s a big deal. I think the biggest places you saved time on my run are the crazy firebar room (you go straight up after skipping the cycle instead of bouncing around), the third machine room (oops I waited too long), and that room near the end with three crows where you exit more smoothly than I do (will need to implement that). I’ll start trying to improve soon!

Victoria, Australia

Good luck! It's really difficult trying to put together all the strats into one complete run but once one of us does it I think a low 2:31 could be very feasible. After that... well I'd prefer not to think about grinding for runs with the pole strat lol

Victoria, Australia

Oh also also, here's the run for future reference

Victoria, Australia

also i just got this but it sucks and i'm going to improve it hopefully today

Victoria, Australia

I've been playing around with what seems to be a weird physics quirk today. If you're going towards a wall, then start accelerating away from it, then bump into the wall, it seems like you get a pretty significant boost away from the wall, depending on how you time it. It could just be an illusion and it just looks like the player is going faster than they should but idk, it seems to save time in some places. I've found a spot where it might save time but I'm still looking into it further.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Michigan, USA

Hmm, interesting. I'm not sure I've seen exactly what you're talking about, but we naturally do something similar in a few spots already right? For example in the 100% run, first room in the jungle, when we go to get the cat that says "jungles can be dangerous!", I try to start pressing right at the same time as hitting the wall. Are you suggesting that maybe it's better to start pressing right before hitting the wall? That is counter-intuitive, because it should make us hit the wall slightly later and at a slightly slower speed, and so the initial bounce back speed should be slower. But the reward is that we are accelerating right again immediately, rather than maybe having a slight delay. So if it is somehow better to press right before hitting the wall (rather than at the same time as hitting the wall), that would make a difference in a bunch of spots right?

Victoria, Australia

Honestly, after messing around with it more I think it may have just looked faster to me, and not actually saved any time. I still haven't bothered timing anything but the timesave I mentioned actually works the same without holding the opposite direction. I think I did it in my recent PB, I'll show you when I upload it.

Michigan, USA

You should upload your PB(s)! And maybe go take 3rd place on any% real quick :). I'm hoping start trying some any% no oob again, but I think I have a long way to go to improve...

Victoria, Australia

I forgot about my 100% pb for a while and when I checked the twitch vods I realised it had been too long and was deleted :( I'm not very proud of that run anyway though. Once I derust again I'll be very capable of getting 100% WR but I don't really have the motivation to do that at the moment, lol.

Victoria, Australia

Congrats on Lone to the new wr! I can't believe you actually had the patience to grind out runs with that strat, lol.


sorry if this is something you've all already seen but, i got the overworld glitch, but not in a corner? am I missing something or is this just very wrong

Victoria, Australia

That happened to me once (literally years ago, I have no idea how to make it happen) before but I don't think I was recording, glad to know it wasn't just some sort of fever dream lol. Also congrats on the new WR, I've been grinding out runs but haven't managed to get consistent at the pole strat :(

Edited by the author 3 years ago

ngl dude, i'm not consistent either lol. again, I've gotten 9 attempts past the pole in 11 or so hours, that's why my runs are always so sloppy past it. thanks for the congrats

Michigan, USA

congrats on the wr! It was beatable without going under the firebar, but super impressive that you got it in a run 9 times! I've only ever done it in practice and never with the fast start to the room as well.

I have never seen the overworld glitch happen in the middle like that, kinda crazy. The room where you had it happen is actually the perfect one too - it's possible to beat the any% (with glitches) wr by like 20s by getting the overworld glitch in that room

Michigan, USA

ok looking more closely at it, what I believe happened was that you DID glitch at the corner (the angle you made matches the glitches I've seen), but since it was a small jump you didn't get all the way off the screen until you jumped again. I think the glitch makes the top wrap around to the bottom, so you just hadn't gone high enough to wrap around yet.

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