Support thread
3 years ago
French Southern Territories

If you need help with something onsite, the community might be a better help than the support hub. I created this thread to replace the support hub (cant see the status/cant get input from other community members). Hopefully you can get help here faster than the support hub.

MinecraftGaming, Sandstorm187 and 6 others like this
Nevada, USA

Nice. I could use some support... Because I wish to request moderation but the support hub seems broken. I can't move past this point on mobile. Going to try on PC but figured I'd let you know... Can't use the support hub to do what it was designed to do :/

New York, USA

Just checked and the fields & submission button are there on PC. But damn that's a weird failure.

Nevada, USA

@garsh I moderate 2 game series, 24 games, my account is nearly 5 years old, and I certainly have email authentication turned on... So I'm not sure why it's not working for me.

I'll try later on PC

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Ivory and Shiinyu like this

@JSR_ Right now there is a bug that prevents people from requesting moderation, because it doesn't recognize their "Email authentication" setting. Go to your settings, check that the relevant setting is turned on, and save the settings (even if it was turned on before). This will correctly register the setting. (To anyone reading this, you can go right now and do the same, might solve you that same confusion later).

I do agree that:

  1. They should fix that check for the setting, because why the hell do we need to re-save the settings in the first place
  2. The message that warns about not being able to request moderation, is so small and easy to miss.

Edit: I just sent a bug report for those two issues. Now we wait for nothing to be done.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gaming_64, Bob-chicken and 6 others like this
Nevada, USA

That did the trick @Oreo321 thank you for your help ^_^

Pear likes this
European Union

Did they remove the ability to select Valhalla as a country? Also I can't see my pending game requests.


@1 Valhalla is in the list but hidden, as it always used to be. Right now the new game request process through the support hub has some bugs, and one of them is the inability to see your pending requests.

Gaming_64 and Pear like this
European Union

@Oreo321 Valhalla was not hidden previously. I only selected it because I saw it while scrolling through the list.


I am pretty sure that the "countries" Valhalla, Esperanto and the European Union were always hidden. Perhaps they were un-hidden for a short time in the past.

Gaming_64, Pear, and Quivico like this
European Union

Not sure if this belongs here, but I am looking for some users that would be willing to help me add and verify approximately 10 thousand runs to a leaderboard I moderate once @jerrinth3glitch gets our username recognition program to work properly.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Bob-chicken likes this

@1 what?

Gaming_64, Pear, and Walgrey like this
European Union

I have around 10K runs I plan to add to the site but it's just too much work for 2 people to do alone by hand, and the API is broken @Oreo321

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Bob-chicken likes this
United States

Wow that sounds miserable

Pear likes this
United States

10K runs? That's a helluva lot of goin' fast

@1 I mean, I'm sure we can start up some kind of community effort to get these done- I'd be willing to help at least. What game(s) is it?

European Union

@O.D.W. It's Minecraft Legacy Edition, the Glide minigame.

Also I did my maths wrong, its closer to 120K runs.

Quivico, MrMonsh and 2 others like this
United States

120K is a lot of runs, but hey, I'll still help out. I'll send a message when I've got the time.

Gotta wonder who @O.D.W. is, they're far more popular than me it seems

Pear, MrMonsh, and Merl_ like this