Time Clarification for Atari Players
1 year ago
Hawaii, USA

Hello all,

DoritoBreath's run showed that the Atari version has a small quirk that I dont think is in the Arcade version. Namely: It is possible to hit the point limit in such a way that the point total is not immediately on the screen (at the end of a level warp)

For the purposes of clarity and ease of review, the rule on this is going to be that timer ends when the Score Total is visible on screen. If you find a way to get 50k sooner than the end of level warp, more the better on the timesave. I am looking frame by frame, so I will take the time of the first frame the total is visible.

If people disagree with this, please chime in.

brkmnly likes this
Hawaii, USA

I am also going to enable the MS timer for all categories, and do my best to make sure its accurate during review.

Minnesota, USA

Alright, good to know I will now make sure to my time runs in this way.