Complaints / Suggestions / Cheating Thread!
8 years ago
New Zealand

You should make them open the console and go through their console command history since you could enable Demigod or slightly modify your health/speed etc through the console.

I think the console.log file should be enough proof since it shows a few things, although it is pretty simple also to just make a mod to do the same thing and there would be no difference in seeable gameplay...

BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

Shouldn't the timer end at the xp 'after action report' screen? It seems that on all the runs everyone just kinda stopped it where they wanted to, and therefore others who want to run it also have to stop their timers at the incorrect times. Just a bit of a problem me and sean ran into when running coop.

BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

I mean I guess it makes sense to stop it when you stop moving, but someone could stop it too early/late because of having a brighter screen or darker screen. Idk I just thought it wasn't a full proof way of seeing when the run ends, but I get your point.

BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

I get that, but I still think it's not a full proof way of showing when you should end your timer.

BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

Then explain why some solo runs don't even time theirs correctly and stop the timer even before it turns black and white

BOZAK_115 likes this
United States

We just want to set level ground with time because noone follows the stated rules "Timer starts when you gain control and ends when the Loading Bar appears." most people, solo and coop cut off the video before it even fades to black or goes to the menu screen we don't have a problem stopping where everyone else does but we just want everyone to stop at the same area so that its fair.

BOZAK_115 and Alex like this
Texas, USA

So I was right. Racing monster over here is saying it isn't a problem. I'm the one that suggested it should be at the results screen. I'm pretty sure all mine show the results screen I'll check.

BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

The only one of my videos that doesn't do that is Semper Fi and that's easy to recalculate. I'll time all my videos to end at the XP screen and I'll update them, but you have to do it for the rest I guess.

You also need to update the rules for every map.

Edited by Havi 7 years ago
BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

@Havi do you plan on timing the other runs?

BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

@Havi I'm requesting mod to fix the times & rules.

BOZAK_115 likes this
New York, USA

Hey, looking to get into WaW, for semper fi I was looking at your guys vids. When does the timer end? When the cinematic for the next mission starts? Thanks.

BOZAK_115 likes this
New York, USA

Okay, sounds good.

BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

@svpreme Yep exactly what racing said. Timer starts when you move, and ends exactly when the loading bar appears.

@Racingmonster Ya I figured, but I think I could speed up the process a bit.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

@Racingmonster you got any other ideas. I have work and school and I still have time to get on here and verify runs and such. Pretty sure 7-8 days is efficient time to time some runs...

Edited by the author 7 years ago
BOZAK_115 likes this
Ontario, Canada

Hey! I recently ran world at War on coop 2 players and submitted it, but for some reason we are in 5th place when our time with loads are an hour and 14 minutes Help?:0

BOZAK_115 likes this
Oklahoma, USA

Hey, kinda new to this so how long after I submit a run will it be on the leaderboard?

BOZAK_115 likes this
Virginia, USA

Hello, Jtfox2001, you have to wait for one of the moderators to approve your run, before it gets up on the leader board. Normally it won't take long, unless neither of them are awake.

BOZAK_115 and Jtfox2001 like this
Ontario, Canada

thanks man!

BOZAK_115 likes this
United States

The IL record for little resistance is incorrect. (wrong mission)

BOZAK_115 likes this
Texas, USA

So @Tanya you time your runs with scoring on giving you the advantage to end your timer early. To my knowledge the 'report' screen is when timers were ended back a year ago when I ran it. What's the deal with this? Doesn't seem to be fair to people who don't use scoring or who didn't in the past. Also I don't see a discord link anywhere if you want me to speak to you 1 on 1.

Also I just realized you're not even following the actual rule. 'End timer on report screen' You end it when your score shows up which is completely wrong. You're not even following your own rules which means pretty much all your runs are timed incorrectly.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
BOZAK_115 likes this