Fastest Win
5 years ago

Guys can we have a category for the fastest win with landing . That is winning the fastest game in which we actually land ?


like this game we won in under 4 mins it is pretty impressive we saw a one in 7 minutes but we cant find them all that easily


pathetic how the MODs are just not listening and calling themselves mods by ignoring people


Only one mod has been on within the last day dude, if you really are that hard-up about having such an arbitrary category contact them on their discord linked on the side. Above all though, learn some patience.

Fedecrash02 and jag2791 like this

brother it is not just me it is other dudes too and plus why would you call yourself a mod if you rent available any ttime of the day???? @Valhalla


Mods do this for free, they have lives and aren't required to be available any time of the day. You'd get an easier response on this taking it to the discord.

Fedecrash02 and jag2791 like this
Alberta, Canada


Thanks for telling him this. The combined fact that I have lost motivation to play Apex mixed with finals soon have hindered me from being more active. I have notifications off on the discord server however, so any message sent usually gets to me. If anyone has anything urgent they can shoot a PM. :)

Edit: Spelling

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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Season 20: Max Level Evo Shields Category!

Hey everyone, Season 20 introduced a new evo shield mechanic, where players can level it up to LVL 4 (Red) in several different ways during a game. We've added a category (called Max Evo) so players can try and speedrun it. Make sure to read the category rules!

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