The Testing Thread
8 years ago

I can't be bothered to clutter the forums up with many of my untested things. I'm leaving this here for anyone to use.

To start it off, I need to time something in (weirdly) the prologue, specifically (and even more weirdly) hiding from the chopper. I will do a stream soon showing my wonderful adventures through... Seattle

My upgrades have been changing recently, I need to do some calculations... Ideally we need 37 upgrade points through the run (Discounting the 1 we use for Neon Jump or whatever it's called). This is enough to unlock Air Dash (8), Rapid Fire (5), Extended Cloud Boost (11), Double Air Dash (13).

Anybody know the amount we get from missions up to Hang Ten (Beta Survival), including Triple Takedown as it's mandatory in my route. Will make planning out a 37 SP route a lot easier. Thx in advance :D

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