About the Max% category
5 years ago

Hey everyone, this is my first forum post!

OscillatingOcelot just submitted the first Max% run ever. Respect!

I started this thread because there’s a little mistake in the rules. “Under the Ice” does contain 2 secrets. You can look this up by opening the level stl file in a text editor:

  • Linux: /usr/share/games/supertux2/levels/world1/
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\SuperTux\data\levels\world1\

However, a much more convenient option is to open the Icy Islands levels in the in-game level editor. This is disabled by default but you can enable it: Set “hide-from-contribs” to “#f” with a text editor. You can find the file in:

  • Linux: /usr/share/games/supertux2/levels/world1/info or /home/$USERNAME/.local/share/supertux2/levels/world1/info (I’m not sure which one is right, just try both)
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\SuperTux\data\levels\world1\info

Afterwards you should be able to find “Icyislands levels” in the editor.

Furthermore, the Max% category is not really 100%. The game tells you that you completed a level 100% with a blinking level dot. To achieve this you also have to beat the level target time (I recently opened an issue on github concerning this matter https://github.com/SuperTux/supertux/issues/996 What a coincidence!). Though, I would say we should leave it as it is because a real 100% would basically require to beat every level twice.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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To find the second secret you have to jump on the first brick blocks you see in the level and jump up: https://pictshare.net/546po7kk5k.png

Servalot likes this
United Kingdom

Hi SilurST, you are right! I never even knew about the under the ice secret.

I will take down both my runs asap, and do a new one, don't feel bad of course, the rules are the rules! Thank you very much for finding this :)

As for the level target time scenario, I might make a 100% category where you'd need to get the flashing dot to show its been fully complete. I never knew about that feature, so I'm happy you pointed it out. I think max% should just stay as the current rules set now. I'll also modify the rules board to change the under the ice comment.

As for ubuntu jackson, I was under the impression that under the ice only had 1 real secret, since brmbrmcar went into the code: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SuperTux/supertux/master/data/levels/world1/under_the_ice.stl and it says there was only 1 secret. As SilurST raised to me, it says that there are actually two, and showed the secret i didnt know about. I thought it was just a bug so I dismissed it as such and therefore posted it in the rules. That misunderstanding will be resolved.

All I can say is that this was a terrible mix up and I apologise.

With this new information in mind, the name "max%" may not really make any sense so it may be subject to change. I was thinking of the name "All collectibles" to specifically exclude level target times. I'll give more information on this in the next few days. I'll also be preparing categories for the new 0.6.0 update coming out soon, since it changes most of the world maps that may differ greatly from the newer ones. I was thinking of just adding sub-sub categories. Additionally, a 100% category will be added. For now I want to redo my max% run to the new standards.


Edited by the author 5 years ago

Yeah, the master-branch on GitHub is always up-to-date (and they were 2103 commits to master since 0.5.1). Though, you can time travel on GitHub if you switch to tag v.0.5.1. Here is the old file: https://github.com/SuperTux/data/blob/1bbcf668304466b37868356e0d0278f2132c90d2/levels/world1/15%20-%20Under%20the%20Ice.stl?short_path=0c79450

However, you can only know for sure if you open the locally saved file on your computer.

Edited by the author 5 years ago