FYI for Co-Op there should be some timer leeway
7 years ago

Hello, me and Ylevolm will be submitting a Co-Op any% soon but one thing we kept running into is bugs that prevent us from continuing the game and random game crashes.

Some of the bugs and game crashes are consistent like the final mission 1st phase with the key, we kept getting an infinite loading screen every time and he had to leave the game, a failure screen would pop up and we would barely skim the 1st phase completion and be able to continue for when he rejoined.

When loading an autosave to save time traveling if I even touched the mission before he completely loaded in (sometimes even when patiently waiting), bugs, bugs everywhere and game crash immediately and consistently.

There was also a few escorts that, de-synced in a sense, where the truck was one place on the map for me and another for Ylev and if he flew the helicopter he was too far from mine and vice versa and we could not continue unless restarting the mission, sometimes several times.

There was another mission where Johnny would not open the chest on the ship until restarting the entire mission which was easily like 10+ minutes gone if not subtracted or timer not paused.

In solo play we did not find these issues, therefore in co-op I hope that mods for this game will accept time subtraction or pausing the timer until resuming the position that could not be advanced upon and time stamps for these occurrences can of course be noted because there is no way co-op will be an enjoyable/consistent speedrun otherwise, we already tried messing with the game, game settings and some other tricks and it did not fix these bugs from occuring which is why I bring this up.


Sorry for the delayed response, I read this a few days ago and took time to consider both the issue and how to reply. This is not a final response on the subject it is open for discussion and input from others.

Like you said the co-op bugs are both well known and a consistent issue with no know way to completely combat them.

With that being said subtracting time from a RTA is something that I am generally against and though crashes or infinite loads can be seen as a valid enough reason to do so the issue comes when someone takes advantage or abuses the timer being allowed to be paused.

The best thing to do in the short term would be to keep the timer running and submit the time with crashes then also submit the IGT, which would be corrected for the true game play time, and in the comment highlight the crash timestamps and give the time minus the crash time total.