Pie locations
Pie locations
Updated 4 years ago by MeesterTweester

Thanks but No Thanks - 3 pies (3rd block from left at start, top block of ? Block staircase, middle block of 5 after staircase)

For Everything Else, There's the RNC - 5 pies (top left block above start, top left block above vertical four-block zigzag, single block below five-block row, left block in second layered platform group, middle left block left of checkpoint)

I Can See Russia From My House! - 4 pies (2nd block above the two ice floes in the ice water at the bottom, middle block in first three-block row under Russian soldier at the top left, first block at middle to the right of Saint Basil's Cathedral, 3rd block in lower five-block staircase)

The Real America - 5 pies (7th block from the left block, top left block above middle block row, middle left block among burning books, top right block of C-shaped block formation, middle of three blocks at top right)

If You Build It They Will Come - 5 pies (right block in pit bull area after staircase, left block in three-block row up and left of stationary ice blocks, left of two blocks in middle center area, 4th from the right of five blocks in first hockey mom area, single top right block right of upper hockey moms)

A Series of Tubes - 2 pies (middle of three-block row at start, top left block)

Total: 24 pies (3, 5, 4, 5, 5, 2)

edit Aug. 4, 2019: added line break between L1 and L2

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Posted 5 years ago