Crash The Game Migrated to Extensions
Crash The Game Migrated to Extensions
Posted 2 years ago by

(Let's use this as an opportunity to test the new News feature.)

Crash The Game, a tight, strange, and brief category, has been moved to Category Extensions, because it is a generally unusual category to host on the main board alongside the standard ASL, Any%, and 100%, even as a Misc. category. All runs of that category have been safely migrated over. Please notify a mod if there is any problem related to this migration.

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ASL 1P1C Subcategory Migrated to Extensions

By community vote and due to unpopularity, the subcategory split dividing ASL runs using one controller from those using two controllers has been removed. In its place, a "Single Controller ASL" category has been added to the Extensions board, and the three runs in the Single Controller subcategory

2 years ago