тема: The Site
SwedenNiss34 years ago

@Liv which is also why I reached out here. The board was created by my request, but the series mod does not seem to want me or anyone else better suited than him to help out with modding it. Even though he has logged on each day the last three days he does not reply to my messages.

I've tried to explain how SDA timing is better suited for the NES version but he insists that timing should be the same across plattforms, which us runners totally disagree with. I've sent videos showing how timing from the menu adds different amounts of time depending on where the character is on the screen, and SDA timing was what we used even before the boards were up.

I do not understand why he repeatidly refuses to add any other moderator. And as I mentioned, he is no longer replying to my messages even though he is "active".

тема: The Site
SwedenNiss34 years ago

I requset to become super moderator of Rod Land NES so that I can change timing method to one that is in consensus with the runners, and add additional moderators that are active runners or involved in the NES community (with knowledge of how to properly verify runs).

тема: Rod Land
SwedenNiss34 years ago

Hey Sasquatchbill.

I've tried to reach out to you about adding Rod Land (NES).

Site admins told me to write on the Rod Land series forums in addidtion to trying to PM you..

SwedenNiss35 years ago

Hey I got a famicom cart of solstice.

Does anyone know how that version is different? The last staff piece seems to be located somewhere else than the top of the tower. Also there is some really werid potion spawns I've never seen before..

I got the cart because I'm using a RGB famicom now, but I guess I'll have to keep using the convertor sadface

тема: Maniac Mansion
SwedenNiss37 years ago

Wouldn't it be easier to understand if it was in the rules for each category? That way you wouldn't affect all categories. [IMG][/IMG]

If you want possibilities you could just add more categories and regulate them in the ruleset, right? As a new runner to maniac mansion I found it incredible confusing with all the things and I still do even though I now understand why they are there. In my opinion it would be alot easier for spectators to understand if it didn't have all those options in the leaderbord but rather in the ruleset for the specific category.

тема: Maniac Mansion
SwedenNiss37 years ago

I'm just curious about all the "additional info".

Are they all necessary? Like Copy Protection Modification Steel Door

I don't know how copyright protection would affect the run, or what it is at all. Neighter do I understand what modification is. If you're running on NES / NTCS, what differences are there? There's no "sub categories" in Zelda:ALLTP between NTCS and Jap 1.0 which has huge differences, so why bother with it here?

And what is modification? When would it ever be viable/allowed?!?

In ANY% you're pretty much allowed to do any route, right? So why bother stating if it's with steel door or not?

I suggest simply removing all those confusing things from the NES NTCS Any% board.

Toad22484 нравится это
тема: Maniac Mansion
SwedenNiss37 years ago

Hey! When is the "precise" start of timer? Is it the B command that cancels the intro? Or is it when the characters turn their heads? Or isn't it until you isseu the first command?

Would be nice if that was explained in the rules.

тема: Maniac Mansion
SwedenNiss37 years ago

The link is expired

SwedenNiss38 years ago

I gathered links to the image albums I've made from ESA at

mobiusman и Tezur0 нравится это
SwedenNiss38 years ago

Not sure if it's called "hundred second" or what. But is there a reason to why we can't chose it when submitting runs?

SwedenNiss38 years ago

I think it would be cool if viewers on-site could get to participate. Like "King of the hill" kind of competitions or challanges against speedrunners (not full runs but maybe a stage or a certain elemtent of a game). That is something I believe would increase the on-site attendence and overall interest for speedrunning. At the same time it also could provide the online audiance with something new and exciting!

SwedenNiss38 years ago

I've recently figured something out concerning how Bosses block attacks.

In my route, this is valuable for the Blade and the Turk fight. On their last breaths, before they go down and stay down ("die"), they might start blocking your attacks alot more frequently than in the earlier phases.

How to get around this: Dash hit AFTER they rise!

What I often do wrong is that I initiate my hit BEFORE they rise. They will still get hit from the attack. The attack probably deal the same damage - BUT! The following attack is not as fast as it would have been if your attack hit while you were at dashing speed. When you attack before he rises, your attack will slow you down, and while writing this, I guess the first attack will not count as a dash attack? Seems logical. The secound attack will be alot slower, and most certainly be blocked. If it isn't blocked, I would assume it has to do with the distance between you and the boss, and also how far away you were from hitting the "sweet spot", when he rises.

Sorry for the wall of text and my english!

SwedenNiss38 years ago

When do we get to know if we get our submissions accepted or not?

SwedenNiss38 years ago

Hey there MyOhMyke! Really fun that you're thinking of picking up RCR! It's a fun game to play (can get really frustrating with gang patterns though)!

Someone might be better at explainin than me. I would prefer to show you :) If you ever happen to catch me streaming I would love to show you! But for now I'll give it a try to explain how I see it;

When you run at hit without stopping, your first hit will be concidered a dash hit and deal more damage. The secound hit after that gets faster if done properly, but will be condidered as a normal hit. For normal gangsters, a successful dash double hit will be enough to knock them over. But for bosses you'll need a 3rd hit.

One way of doing it is throwing the item you're holding. If you're using a tire/create/thrashcan, your attackspeed will not be enough for a third hit to cause them to fall down. But if you got the Iron Bar or the Chain, you can knock them over by hitting them with weapon 3 times, since their attackspeed is that high. If you're using knuckles, stone or wooden bat, I don't think it will be easy to knock them over with 3 hits in any way. You have to throw the item and combo in a run hit / run kick as a 4th hit, which might be really hard at first.

After you down a boss, like Rocko, you can keep downing him with 2 hits if you get a successfull dash double hit. If you're too close to him, I for one experience him to block more often. If you try to keep as close to the maximum hitting range as possible, your hits will be more concistently successfull.

PS: A useful hint! Anyone holding an item cannot block!

SwedenNiss38 years ago

I've confirmed that the problem was me streaming in 60 FPS.

Also uploading the AmaREC VOD as I write this (its 16GB for just 8 minutes so it will take an hour to upload. Will add youtube link here when it's done) -edit- added link:

SwedenNiss38 years ago

I get the same result when I time with Livesplit on the online twitch vod: Is this because I stream at 60 FPS? Or is it because my bitrate can't support 60 FPS? I don't understand. I'll try stream some with 29.97 FPS.

I timed the local vod and it's all fine. So there's nothing wrong with Live Split. There's something with either Twitch or my Xsplit settings towards Twitch.

I don't have AmaREC local recordings because I did this under a practise session. But I do have the Xsplit vod:

(Its the last run in the vod. So you have to forward to ~09:10)

I did time the youtube clip after I uploaded it. No problems there either.

SwedenNiss38 years ago

Count me in!

curseddolls нравится это
SwedenNiss38 years ago

Bubbles like this?

SwedenNiss38 years ago

What's the opinion of using powerpacks/everdrive for runs?

О Niss3
10 years ago
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