SwedenNiss33 months ago

Could you elaborate what "Star classification" implies?

I know nothing of TASing, but I think it is common for tool assisted runs to include inhumane tricks that are practically impossible to replicate in real time. I don't think this TAS has much of that, but it really has perfect excecution. It really showcases what the pinnacle run could look like!

eien86 нравится это
SwedenNiss310 months ago

While testing I got a 6:54 using new kid command. The fred talk cutscene feels like the biggest timeloss compared to any%.

capnshrimpy нравится это
SwedenNiss310 months ago

I noticed when testing that opening the fridge while Ed is running makes him stop in the room he currently is. I never noticed that before, and it seems to cancel out the cheese smell cutscene.

SwedenNiss310 months ago

Lets start out with allowing new kid! We can always discuss and change it up in the future.

SwedenNiss310 months ago

I have some time this weekend to playtest, but I believe using new kid would be way more complicated than an any% run and never as fast. You would have to rely on timing instead of cues, and then spam new kid to delay pool and a cutscene for red tentacle. I am sure that emulating any% would be the fastest route, just much more technical.

SwedenNiss310 months ago

From my perspective, "dave solo%" is just a slow version of any%. Not using new kid would force you to figure out an alternative route. Sure it would be slower but it would bring something new. Then again, that is just my opinion.

Anyhow, I don't think anyone other than us three would be interested in such a misc category. So if you both prefer to use the new kid command I won't stand in the way of it.

SwedenNiss310 months ago

Since we are on the cateogry subject I might as well throw in that it might be time to retire the 2-character one.

SwedenNiss310 months ago

In my opinion the new kid button should be banned in a solo category to add some kind of variation from the any% run.

SwedenNiss31 year ago

I'll take care of updating times if we do end up changing timing method.

Regainin control in any% would be "controversial", but I guess it could be accepted as a any% run if it is identical to a normal run. Then again, there might come a situation were we end up banning regain of control in any%, but that is just speculation.

capnshrimpy нравится это
SwedenNiss31 year ago

Bumping this thread since we have a new timing concern;

In Hamsteak% you benefit from switching kid as soon as possible. The new kid command stops the normal menu from showing up which lets you interpret the rules as the three kids names beeing the first "menu option" that appears.

I would prefer if all categories has the same timing method, so one idea is that we specify the number of frames from the "go to" action showing up to where we know the menu would be seen. Another idea is that we change the rules so we time from the action bar "go to" showing up rather than the menu (about 8 frames difference).

If anyone has any input or ideas I would love to hear your opinions on the matter!

SwedenNiss31 year ago

3 frames after Dave make full stop with his feet in "attention" there is a 4 frame window to hit A.

Pressing A early opens the switch kid menu without using the machine, pressing A late opens the menu after you're done with the machine.

After hitting A you need to wait 3 frames or more before pressing start.

Pressing start too early just means you have to press start another time.

capnshrimpy и ShesChardcore нравится это
SwedenNiss31 year ago

I have never tried any prototypes but I have played updated version with translations of the game, especially the Swedish one. I have also tried the Japanese version but that is a whole other story 😂

capnshrimpy нравится это
SwedenNiss31 year ago

All known glitches are allowed in Any% so I don't see why it should be restricted.

In 2-character% the glitch is mandatory.

I understand the reasoning with merging the two categories but don't mind having a sepperate category. It really is a cool and interesting glitch! At this moment I believe it is a bit too early to tell how any% will develop.

Have anyone proven that there is reduced lag in 2-character%? I kind of just assume it is, but very often I find the game very laggy even with the glitch.

-edit- I read an old conversation I had with NeSs7or9 where we talked about a "no 2-character glitch". I believe that would be an alternative if we can prove that 2-character is the true any%.

capnshrimpy и HowDoUPlay нравится это
SwedenNiss31 year ago

Yeah that might be it. I have been goofing around and doing some testing so I might have gone in and out of the lab without thinking about it. After testing it I think you are correct!

-edit- Nope, I had it happen again without entering the lab. Haha! It might be entering the code that triggers the weird state.

SwedenNiss31 year ago

What is it that makes the Red Tentacle ignore pool drainage? Sometimes I can turn the water on/off and the tentacle reacts the same (goes to check the dark room). But at other times he ignores everything, even turning the circuits off.

SwedenNiss31 year ago

Personally I am against "flooding" the leaderboards with miscellaneous categories, especially if there is no more than one runner.

Concering how to define Glitchless I would prefer if the developer lab code (4x0) was banned. -edit- Actually, I believe "guessing" the code should be banned. A true glitchless run would in my opinion show how you got the code.

HowDoUPlay нравится это
SwedenNiss31 year ago

Sometimes I've seen you use the hunchomatic after opening the grate with another character. Does that has something to do with this glitch or why do you use the machine twice?

-edit- Haha nevermind I just realised it is for the garage door 😂

capnshrimpy нравится это
рекорд: Maniac Mansion (NES)
SwedenNiss31 year ago

Very impressive!

рекорд: Maniac Mansion (NES)
SwedenNiss31 year ago

I did a framecount to doublecheck, 6.59:667 (12590 frames).

SwedenNiss31 year ago

I updated the category rules for hamsteak% to be a bit more strict! It now says;

Timer ends when "No thanks" appears after returning Weird Ed's hamster. The other 2 kids must have perished before returning the hamster. 2-character glitch is not allowed in hamsteak%. *"The three grave ending" is required.

Avodroc42, NeSs7or9, и noisepolice нравится это
О Niss3
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