New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

After tinkering around with FCEUX & NEStopia, I can conclude that those emulators can be used for speedruns. I've added those two to the list. As for OpenEmu, I do not have any Mac devices myself, and cannot find a version that will run on Windows. So there's a little hesitance on allowing that emulator since it hasn't been tested yet. If another moderator has found OpenEmu to work well then it can be added.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

We haven't tried out those emulators to see if they are accurate. This isn't a basic ROM like Mario 1. Due to how more advanced this ROM is, this won't work on all the hardware that SMB1 could. This game doesn't work on a standard Everdrive N8, but works on Everdrive Pro, while SMB1 works on both. That could also mean that this game won't work on all the emulators that SMB1 can accurately. Bizhawk is the only emulator that we've tried out and know that works well. We will add more emulators when we get to testing them out.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Unfortunately, no. SM64 must be completed 1 star or 0 star.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

It is very likely because the TAS plays the level differently than in your runs. You probably despawned the plants in your RTA attempts, but the TAS does the stage differently than how you played so the plants were there like normal.

LDAMAN нравится это
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

I think what happened was you were walking towards the left, and started to hold both left and right at the same time (L+R). I used to play on emulator and I'd experience this same thing.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

You do not save nor lose time by choosing a different route in the beginning of 1-1. As long as you dont slow down, or bump into pipes, etc. it will be the same.

Magically нравится это
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Please note that the "console time" part is based off the NES + SNES framerate, so if you're using a platform that's different than that, I wouldn't concentrate on that part, I'd just look at the "video time" part.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Hello, many of you probably got the notification that @EthanRTA has broken the Marihour world record, this is not the case.

Since Marihour is one of the few categories that does not utilize the w/o loads process, his time remains as the one that he has submitted. The time was verified as a 55:26 w/o loads, but had to re-edit his time since Marihour does not use the w/o loads column. I've been seeing more Trilogy submissions lately, and it has gotten into my muscle memory to remove the loading times when verifying runs, this unfortunately happened with Ethan's new Marihour PB.

Small error, I apologize for the inconveniece. :)

stewie_cartman нравится это
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

The owner of the MCMG leaderboard has stated that no more categories should be added. Unfortunately we will not be accepting your request.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

LBLJ means lobby backwards long jump. The BLJs done in the endless stairs are not LBLJs since they were not done in the lobby. You just can't do any BLJs in the lobby.

Hopefully that gets rid of some confusion.

TheSecondTry, linny356 и 2 другие нравится это
тема: Bus Driver
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

As I mentioned in my post above yours, I will quote it here.

"The first speedruns of this game did not skip red lights, so due to tradition is has always (and will always) stick to 100%."

Any% was primarily made because people wanted red lights to be skipped, so it was added and it also allowed passengers to be skipped.

тема: Bus Driver
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Here's my feedback.

I would contact the other moderators but they haven't been active in several months by now. Emerald in particular removed all of this social media accounts so it's hard to reach out to him, and hoodie is generally not online typically. The only other two or three active members of the community (which have been for at least a year) don't have any issues with this new rulechange. We don't need to keep adding different subcategories for different little discoveries. It is necessary to leave out the glitch in 100% because using the glitch in runs would make the run feel as if it weren't being completed in the 100% spirit. Any% means to beat the game in the fastest way possible, I don't see the issue on keeping the glitch permitted in any%.

Re: The names of the categories The objective is to bring the passengers to their stops. 100% forbids skipping the passengers, while any% allows avoiding picking up passengers. The first speedruns of this game did not skip red lights, so due to tradition is has always (and will always) stick to 100%.

"This new trick is ruining existing categories." - From someone who hasn't submitted a run of this game, this is false. This happens a lot in speedruns. Something new is found, and is added to an existing category. Again it is not necessary to keep adding categories for every little detail in a speedrun. I speedrun a lot of games, not one of those games do I see the moderation team consult regular community members about leaderboard changes, it's always in the moderators' discussion.

I hope this is a more clear answer to your questions spanning 2 years.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

After timing both your gameplay in the video and a test run that I did (starting from control of Mario to the time finishes being counted down during the level completion fanfare), I got 27.80 both times. Given the pattern you got, this BBG could save a framerule over a normal 7-1, tie a normal 7-1, or lose a framerule over a normal 7-1 (it's hard to tell bc the video ends before the next level screen pops up). If you could smh find a way to make the bill shoot out earlier (ex: playing on a different framerule, manipulating the canon to shoot at a certain time), this could likely save time.

LeonD011 и linny356 нравится это
тема: Bus Driver
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Earlier this year there was a discovery where you could crash into a stop, and the game would treat it as the final destination. This can save a large amount of time in each mission. I feel that this should be permitted in any%, but not in 100%. Using this glitch in 100% would take away from the feeling of completing the speedrun in a 100% manner.

Have a good day.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

If we're just comparing Everdrive Pro users, and people who can switch cartridges/load ROMs via emulator at the same speed, then no. But we're taking everyone into consideration, which includes Everdrive n8 users. If anyone is at a disadvantage, then we should at least talk about it and come up with a solution.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

I think it is fair to remove the loading times in-between games. I don't think it's fair for someone to have a high rank just because their flashcart can boot up games faster, and I'm not anywhere near WR territory in the Trilogy Any% categories anymore like I was in 2019.

The moderation team is discussing possible solutions to this issue.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

The moderation team has considered discussing removing flashcart loading times for runs earlier this month.

Since runners are starting to notice advantages, I might bring this up with moderators and I agree that there should be a change in timing here.

тема: Bosconian
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Hello community members.

I feel like it is necessary to take down the High Score category.


High score runs are very difficult to convert to an actual time, and especially one that will accurately place someone on the leaderboard. People may complain that they got a higher score than someone else but are ranked lower. High score isn't really a speedrun either, so it doesn't make much sense to have as a speedrunning category anyway.

Once this post is published I will remove the category. Have a good day/night.

Ellimist нравится это
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Virtual console is allowed. Make sure to check the rules for timing since it is done differently.

тема: Mario Kart 64
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

@LukeSaward I think they were just telling Abney that they use Project64, and not saying that Abney was bad. But if I'm wrong then yeah.

Pear нравится это
О Mars02
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