тема: Super Pac-Man
New Hampshire, USAMars021 year ago

Ahhh, my bad. I wasn't able to do much research beforehand.

I am curious as to other people's views on whether Java should be considered an emulator, or be a whole seperate platform.

I personally think it should be labeled as an emulator since it feels like you're moreso emulating the game compared to the arcade or plug&play, but I am open to other people's opinions.

тема: Super Pac-Man
New Hampshire, USAMars021 year ago

~ If it is not played on a computer (not an arcade machine), then is being played on an emulator. That is why there is an emulator tab.

~ From what I understand Java is a programming language, and having the idea that you can simply program the game yourself and run your version is rather sketchy as it could not be entirely accurate to the original game. Unless there's some other different "Java" out there that you are referring to, I don't think this would be entirely fit for the leaderboard.

~ Since it appears that the game has officially been released on Nintendo Switch & PS5 (after a little research) under the "Arcade Archives" title, I don't think there's any problem adding them as platforms.

I will reach out to others about the Java scenario, as I feel more opinions should be involved here.

New Hampshire, USAMars021 year ago

My personal thoughts:

  • I like the idea of free game order for the trilogies and pentathlon since being able to play tougher games first (or even games like smb3 with the hands), and getting the hard stuff out of the way first would give those categories more replay value to compete for faster times.

  • I'm not much of a Marihour runner, I think the 30s buffer time between games isn't all that bad. I think the loading times were kept in to stay faithful to darbian's original rulesetting, however implementing this change to Marihour would be no different than what happened with the first 3 categories.

  • The break during the Decathlon categories is a great idea. I think 5 minutes is a good time to consider since it seems like a basic break duration.

New Hampshire, USAMars022 years ago

Why would you invalidate a function that doesn't require you to perform an illegal skip in the run?

What you really should be asking here is not for a soft reset to be banned, but for the rules to specify that the run begins in 1-1.

1008 и Elijah нравится это
New Hampshire, USAMars022 years ago

Yes, I'll update the rules so that's included.

тема: Super Pac-Man
New Hampshire, USAMars022 years ago

We as moderators can't do that, you'll have to ask a SRC admin.

тема: Maze Craze
New Hampshire, USAMars022 years ago

It is not the Flashback that was meant for the leaderboard (there is now a link to what I mean in the category rules), so it was changed to emulator.

тема: Maze Craze
New Hampshire, USAMars022 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out. I never noticed that the map was different, and I haven't been able to find that maze after resetting an online emulator. Thanks for looking out.

тема: Bus Driver
New Hampshire, USAMars022 years ago

The "real run" aspect is why the 100% categories exist. And as of a matter of fact, the 100% categories were the only categories on the leaderboard when it was first made.

This "trick" or "glitch" or whatever you'd like to call it is not allowed in 100%, mainly due to the "real run" aspect that is carried along in 100% (which also associates with no skipping passengers and red lights).

This is allowed in any% since the term "any%" means "to complete the goal in the fastest way possible", and crashing into the bus stops to finish the mission is the fastest known way to be able to beat a stage by a human.

I'd like to keep the glitch allowed in runs, since it is something people can do RTA. But I am always down for the community to vote on variables like this. The community hasn't been very active recently, so if it turns out that you and me are the only ones involved, I would like to work out a method that would efficiently solve both parties' issues (such as creating a new category just for this big skip, since it saves a MASSIVE amount of time unlike most other tricks).

тема: Super Pac-Man
New Hampshire, USAMars022 years ago

SRC rules forbid anyone to post about places that have the game, but looking online should help.

тема: Pac & Pal
New Hampshire, USAMars022 years ago

We're not allowed to promote places that you can find/play the game, per SRC policies, but I'd look online.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

I have been meaning to do this for a couple months now, but I never got to it. Would the mods be interested in adding an All Stages category (world 1-8 warpless + a-d warpless)? IMO it would be an appropriate addition since it includes every level in the game in one speedrun. If the answer is 'no', that would be totally fine. Just thought I'd ask.

My run:

Gaming_64 и Simplistic6502 нравится это
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Yes, using VC is allowed. Regarding the rule " If using VC, a full power cycle is not required, but you must return to the Wii menu.", I'd recommend returning to the WiiU menu.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Power cycling means powering the system off and on again (or, a hardware reset). I would begin timing once the title screen appears for SMB1.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) isn't a 3D game so it wouldn't qualify.

TheSecondTry нравится это
New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

That sounds good. I was just a little stumped because with the title 'All Stages', I had assumed that you had to do all completions as warpless runs, and thought that an any% run would invalidate the attempt. Seems like everything is cleared up now though, thanks. 👍

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Not necessarily. On FDS you'd have to game over in 9-1 (after already beating world 9 once), and go back to the title screen to play letter worlds. This is because world 9 loops infinitely until you die on FDS. On All-Stars you can go straight to world A from world 9 without dying or anything.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

No, that is New Game Both Endings. I am talking about New Game All Stages which is a different category that includes the game being completed Warpless, not just Any% the whole time.

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

Hello, I have been curious about the route for doing a New Game All Stages run for a while, and hearing varying responses from a couple moderators, I'd wonder if there could be a little clarification. :)

I'd originally assumed that it was completing 8-4 warpless 8 times and then doing the letter worlds warpless after the 8th warpless completion. However I did hear that you could just do any% 7 times and the 8th run would be warpless 8-4 + a-d warpless (essentially All Stages). Depsite the rules saying "The warpless playthrough can be any of the 8 8-4 playthroughs.", I'm a bit confused.

Sorry if it seems obvious but I'd like to know the most optimal route that is permitted.

Thanks in advance :D

New Hampshire, USAMars023 years ago

You would need to get an adapter that would allow you to play famicom games (which would include being able to hook up the RAM adapter) to the NES. I think I've seen someone use an adapter for a frontloading NES, but you'd be best on getting either a toploading NES or a famicom (preferrably an AV famicom so you can actually use an American TV with it). You could probably find the appropriate adapter on Ebay or Amazon.

О Mars02
Speedrunner of mainly classic Mario games.
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