Washington, USAHowDoUPlay2 months ago

Update: I won't be making any new categories. This whole experience has burned me out in terms of wanting to volunteer more time to moderate games. I know most people who posted want this category to exist, but it's just been an unnecessary stress on me that I don't need right now. Fumbles are clearly more broken than I'm aware of, and I have no clue what a generally agreeable point requirement would be. I've been told 25 points, 69 points, 99 points, and then an entire point system was created to make the category less of a "fumble fest". I tried playing some TSB myself to see what a fair point requirement would be, and it took me the entire game to score 51 points. This is when I hit the realization that I need to pass the torch to someone else, because I no longer have the desire to volunteer time to this game. With that said, SchmidttyGames will be taking my place. Have a good one.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay2 months ago

Regardless of which method is used, fumbles will be the quickest way. Schmidtty's scoring system does give a little more value to the safeties though. We're going to assume the extra point is pretty much free because it is: in standard football, a touchdown is 7 points & safety is 2. With Schmidtty's method, a touchdown is 2 points & safety is worth 1. So you're making a safety worth half a touchdown. This would make fumbles less important, but overall they're still better than any other scoring method. Last but not least, this would require runners to mentally track their point value instead of relying on the in-game scoreboard which is a step I'm not sure everyone wants.

Also I could be wrong, but I don't think fumbles are reliable enough to be considered a meta strat. You can stack the stats of course, and increase the probability of opponents fumbling, but fumbles are still RNG. Even once a fumble occurs, there's no guarantee the ball won't hop into an opponent's possession first. I don't see how anyone would rely on fumbles as a strat, unless you're really trying to optimize the run.

There's a few tests I'd like to run on TSB this weekend before I solidify the category, but it is coming. Just to get an idea of how frequent fumbles can happen, and test what is reasonable for the points requirement (might try 99 we'll see). However I'm still very much open to any comments or opinions before it becomes finalized.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay2 months ago

Yeah 100% understandable Overswarm. Especially when you're doing 20 games in a marathon setting, the goals need to be fairly reasonable and achievable. With that said, I will keep an eye here and as soon as I see 5 more people, the category will be created. If anyone has an opinion regarding the point requirements for the run, feel free to share them as well.

I like the idea of stopping the clock once X points is achieved. I've been doing "10 Goals" in Ice Hockey as well as "100 Points" in Double Dribble, and I think this translates well to Tecmo Super Bowl.

EDIT: 4 more, lordoflinal posted as I was making dinner/delayed posting.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay2 months ago

25 points seems a bit low but I'll tell you what: I'm willing to add the category if you can get 10% of those 65+ people (6-7 people) to post here supporting the idea, and say they will submit their runs. If not, there's not enough demand to create this category until more people visibly show interest. I know that people have recently ran this for Big 20, but until the people who participated show up here asking for the category, I don't believe they have intent to submit.

If 10% of the runners post here, I will consider that "visibly high demand" and create the category to suit Big 20's requirement. Otherwise this demand seems purely hypothetical.

EDIT - I'm aware there's a Discord. A screenshot from there would also suffice, but I'd need names not just reaction emotes. But as it currently stands, I'm going to need more than one person from this group of 65+ showing interest if I'm going to take my time and create this category specifically for the Big 20 rules. I want this category as well, but the point requirements would be significantly higher if I had a say. However I'm willing to defer the point requirements to 25 if there's enough interest.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay2 months ago

I agree this is a good idea. I mentioned this exact idea on these forums almost 3 weeks ago:

It's been met with mostly responses from people who want this kind of category. The only debate seems to be if it's different enough from the current Points%, or if it should be a miscellaneous category. I suppose I'm waiting for enough responses before I make a decision. Points% was created as an alternative to "killing the clock" which is the worst part of most sports speedruns. However I made it a few years ago and it wouldn't be fair to delete that category since people have put work into it. Hindsight is always 20/20 and I wish I had made the timer stop once X points were obtained.

But anyone interested in this kind of category, please either reply here or the other thread linked above. If enough people tell me they will run this category, it will be created.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay2 months ago

This is for NES Dodge Ball only, and the moderators here have no ability to add that game for you. You should visit this link: and click "Get Started: Requesting A Game" to become moderator for the game and set up the page yourself.

CzaR, Muten_Pizza, и Zarc0nis нравится это
Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago

I've recently been doing some Battle Royal Solo runs for SNES, and I wanted to ask a question: Would it be okay to use Retroarch for netplay co-op attempts? I want to do some runs with a friend of mine from Twitch, but obviously real-life attempts will not be possible. We would use the SNES9X core/emulator, unless there is another one mods prefer.

I figure this would be fine since the Arcade WR uses Fightcade 2, which is similar to Retroarch in that it makes netplay much easier. I wanted to check to make sure though.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago

Oh I'm still very interested in what people think, and would like to see more opinions on the idea. I still feel this is better than Points%. But I also don't want to put too many categories out there, and diminish the value of podium places. Points% cannot be replaced, because I already created it and that would be unfair to those who have put in work on the category. Perhaps this could be a miscellaneous category. I'll keep an eye on this thread.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago

Very true Cardinality. I think if I could go back in time, I would revise Points% to something more akin to this, where the clock stops immediately on X points being obtained. I do agree it's similar to Points%, but I also believe "X Points" would've been a better category overall. Every other category already requires running out the game clock, and that's the worst part of any sports speedrun. This would've been unique, but also I think it may be a bit late since Points% already exists.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago

I am curious if anyone is interested in one final category being added to Tecmo Super Bowl. I think it's different enough to justify:

I've been playing the "10 Goals" category of Ice Hockey a bit, and I think it's a great idea that could translate to Tecmo Super Bowl. In that run, you do not have to run out the game clock. You score 10 goals as fast as possible, and you're done. Because of the variety of ways to score in football, we'd just say "X Points" and then you stop the clock. Timer would stop on the full fade-out after any cutscenes involving the final score (touchdown/field goal/safety).

I'd also like to hear some thoughts from TSB runners. One big question I'd like opinions on is: how many points should be required to complete the run? Last but not least, if anyone has any questions regarding this category, feel free to ask.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago

I am curious if anyone is interested in one final category to Tecmo Super Bowl. I think it's different enough to justify:

I've been playing the "10 Goals" category of Ice Hockey a bit, and I think it's a great idea that could translate to Tecmo Super Bowl. In that run, you do not have to run out the game clock. You score 10 goals as fast as possible, and you're done. Because of the variety of ways to score in football, we'd just say "X Points" and then you stop the clock. Timer would stop on the full fade-out after any cutscenes involving the final score (touchdown/field goal/safety).

I'd also like to hear some thoughts from TSB runners. One big question I'd like opinions on is: how many points should be required to complete the run? Last but not least, if anyone has any questions regarding this category, feel free to ask.

новости: Tecmo Super Bowl
Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago

I've been doing it for some time now, but wanted to update: all videos are now frame-counted with somewes. (

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago

Yeah most of that information can be found on gamefaqs or the game manual. Such as how to use the Supr Scare (place Supr Scare, go into different room, open map, then press A+B+C), what the different colors mean for the traps, etc. I also learned if you get a family member fully scared and they're in a room with an exit, if they begin to run to another room you can scare them again to re-roll where they run (possibly forcing them out the door and saving time). I used that in my run several times if you watch it. I'll scare a family member, then see if the exit door opens (it will do it almost immediately after the scare). If the door doesn't open, I initiate a 2nd scare that makes them pick a door randomly again, which can re-route them to exit immediately and save time.

I don't believe the order in which you scare them matters, it seems to be RNG but could be dependent on which seed you get. But that would require someone to look at the game code to figure out and definitively answer this. The only strat mentioned here that I personally don't use is the fireball to re-route the family on an exit door. I typically use both Supr Scare and the fireball to raise a brand new family member's fear to max instantly.

With all this said, I would still love to see Satyr's 30-ish minute run. I'm the type of runner that will watch the best runs, and try to emulate everything I can. Without a video though, I cannot recreate or even theorize on the strats used.

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago

No worries. I'm not doubting the legitimacy of the runs, I wanted to see Satyr's though because I was curious what strats he used to save so much time. If you ever decide to get back into speedrunning or want to have your run back up, I'd be happy to have you back on the board as long as the video is public.

Take it easy sir. o7

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay3 months ago
Этот комментарий был удален
Washington, USAHowDoUPlay4 months ago

There's a forum thread started 5 years ago that asks this same question, so I'm not hoping for much but trying to get an answer to a simple question: why have the WR videos been missing for over 5 years but still allowed to stand? I know this game isn't super popular but it's strange that my 3rd place run is the only visible video in the 100% category, and the WR for House% is also missing.

Both of SmilingSatyr's videos from Twitch don't seem to exist anymore, and he hasn't been on SRC in 3 years. The only active mod is Spookas_ so these questions are to you sir: Why is your 2nd place 100% run hidden/private on Youtube? Why are you allowing WRs that haven't existed in 5 years to stand?

Washington, USAHowDoUPlay6 months ago

I like the idea of a Dave% or solo run. I think it's a little more interesting than 2 kids as a concept.

In regards to the idea of disallowing New Kid, I can see both sides having pros and cons. If you disallow New Kid, you'll have to reroute or try to find new tricks that might not quite be as optimal. This would definitely make the solo route slower, and I'm not sure anyone would want to take the time to do that. It would make the category more unique from Any% though.

Also your aim is always to beat it as fast as possible, the Any% strats are obviously the most efficient way to end the game quickly. The current 2-Character category allows all strats too. But that's also why I've never ran the 2-Character category personally. Every run I did with 2 characters I counted as Any% because I never felt there were rules that separated them enough, so why not go for the main category?

That's my two cents. I will give this category a look sometime, but I think the rules should be determined between you guys since you'll be running this category the most. If anyone else has interest and reads this, hopefully they'll add their opinion as well.

рекорд: Joust (NES)
Washington, USAHowDoUPlay9 months ago

I appreciate that Sei! Your guide was very helpful. Thanks to you and NESCard for providing the strats and resources to make this run possible!

тема: Sim Ant
Washington, USAHowDoUPlay10 months ago

Oddtom nailed it on the head with that video. I'm just an idiot who never realized you could change the in-game speed. I came here initially a year ago to run the SNES version which is the one I grew up with. The SNES version is much slower than the DOS version, but it also has options to change in-game speed so I should have known.

While I didn't put a lot of research into the DOS version myself, I feel pretty stupid now. It's a bit hilarious that none of the runners prior to you realized we could change the speed to Ultra.

But once more I'd like to apologize to you Izumi, for the assumptions and ignorance. And I'd like to apologize to Oddtom too, because I now realize he definitely does his due diligence when it comes to verifying runs. Thanks for the replies!

IzumiChenmeiru нравится это
тема: Sim Ant
Washington, USAHowDoUPlay10 months ago

Okay so after doing some tests, I can verify that DOSBox runs "Auto" at 3000 cycles. I tested a few runs at the Ultra speed. Here's the video showing 5 different frame-counts between the last frame showing the yellow ant fighting, to the first frame showing the full "Red Queen dead" prompt:

I frame-counted each of the endings, and here are the results: 1st Ending: 2.717 secs 2nd Ending: 1.350 secs 3rd Ending: 1.083 secs 4th Ending: 1.550 secs 5th Ending: .833 secs

Izumi's Ending: .283 secs

In all fairness, the first ending was longer because the yellow ant was engaged in another fight after killing the queen, which extended the wait. Izumi's frame-count comes in at .283 seconds, which is insanely fast but overall I'm convinced I was wrong.

You followed the rules. You're not required to prove your DOSBox is set to "auto" or 3000 cycles. It functions identical to what I saw at 3000 cycles on DOSBox anyway. The only thing I haven't been able to personally replicate was your super fast red queen prompt, but it may be possible with a few more attempts. Also you are correct, the 3-4 squares the ant moves is purely due to in-game speed adjustments.

I apologize for the assumption. Also, GGs on the WR!

IzumiChenmeiru нравится это
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