Epicness1o16 years ago

Loopie, can you delete the forum post please

Epicness1o16 years ago

OK, you kept on kissing Youtubeman's ASS. Deleting all forum posts from you and removing all further posts made by you. We don't want ass-kissing people like you in our community

Epicness1o16 years ago

Stop kissing Youtubeman's ass or we're going to delete all of your forum posts and delete any further posts by you

noobguy57 нравится это
Epicness1o16 years ago

I think he literally intentionally delayed Xein's video feed to make it look like we're just liars. Don't believe Youtubeman's bullshit

noobguy57 нравится это
Epicness1o16 years ago

And, before you ask, I think the video is unsynced on Xein's side.

Epicness1o16 years ago

And if you need PROOF that he gained time in the first room, here you go. The top left is Youtubeman's run, bottom right is my TAS. The one farther in the pipe saved more time. I added comparisons with the lines over the image.

noobguy57 нравится это
Epicness1o16 years ago

There may be time to save on the shroom grab in the first room over the TAS, but very CLEARLY not 0.2 seconds. Especially when my TAS did 2 fast accels while he only did 1. Also, it was NOT just half a second of improvement over the fireflower. He appears to have saved time on the first room. At least about 7 frames were saved on the first room. And I did 2 fast accels in the TAS. Plus, I'm sure the grab from the top and the fast accel is surely faster than falling all the way down to the bottom and THEN just gaining your running speed back normally, and even if doing it WITH a fast accel saved time, it would probably be only by a matter of a few frames, NOT almost 0.4 seconds. I made the TAS. I know where there's time save. And I can tell you that this run is bogus. Loopie, the owner of the leaderboard, agrees. JonnyBoy agrees. I agree. And if he didn't have the balls to compare his cheated run to the TAS, his run probably could have slipped through for a few more days, instead of being caught first-day. We have perma-banned him from the leaderboards. We will allow him to appeal if he admits to his cheats, but we will have to accept movie files from his emulator (so TAS/slowdown/speedup is easily detectable), and also split files for runs with splits. If either of the 2/3 sources don't align, the run WILL be rejected. I'll send evidence to other mods if I find any, and I'll send the files to other mods to see if they detect something I didn't.

noobguy57 нравится это
Epicness1o16 years ago

Confirmed fake, all runs have been removed, and he is banned from submitting further runs. Locked

Epicness1o16 years ago

Locked, all of Youtubeman's runs removed. You could've just ruined your ENTIRE speedrunning career over a ROM hack for SMB1 that isn't even ran that much and doesn't have too much competition. Good job.

Epicness1o16 years ago

Also, list all things wrong with the run. He's still begging for mercy and saying he wants proof before being banned. LUL

Epicness1o16 years ago

He's said he sometimes uses "FFsplit" to record runs, and that has audio delay problems. He literally SHOWED OBS on his proof stream tho, so I call BULLSHIT there.

Epicness1o16 years ago

Also, Loopie, after banning him, do we remove all his runs from the leaderboard? I don't understand why he would fake a run for such a small community when he could risk his entire reputation doing it, then deny all claims of faking runs after presented with clear evidence.

Epicness1o16 years ago

Youtubeman, adding another comparison isn't gonna help. In fact, it could help us even more by giving us an actual human's run to compare to. Denying every accusation with obvious evidence presented to you is NOT how you get forgiveness. You apologize for cheating, and then we'll make sure to check all runs thoroughly before letting them on the leaderboards. Now, during verification of your runs, we will be extra strict. We will require movie files (and split files for categories with splits), and if we find any inconsistency between any of the sources, we will immediately decline the run.

Epicness1o16 years ago

I've been talking with him on Twitch, and he seems to be denying all claims thrown against him. If he's gonna deny all accusations of cheating with obvious evidence presented (youtubeman, please stop turning into billy mitchell), should we ban him from the leaderboards?

Epicness1o16 years ago

31.87? Woah, keep it up! You're literally 2 or 3 frames off the TAS at this point! This category is becoming REALLY optimized LUL

Epicness1o16 years ago

Fake run. Locked.

Epicness1o16 years ago

Loopie, Xein, and me have both confirmed that this run is fake. So, what should we do about it? I'm thinking NO run from Youtubeman should be submitted without a movie file from now on (and split files for categories with splits, although those are quite easily faked too!) If we should do something more extreme, like remove all his runs or completely ban him from the leaderboards, let us know in a reply.

Epicness1o16 years ago

1.40 doesn't work for some reason. Latest doesn't work, the version provided is 1.48 If you get errors referring to C:\Users\baran, just hit No. You can also delete Nestopia.xml and have Nestopia regenerate the file.

youtubeman06 и KingOfJonnyBoy нравится это
Epicness1o16 years ago

Xein is a god I'm looking forward to the 31.8 soon LUL

Epicness1o16 years ago

Wow. Somehow, FFsplit doesn't even record my ENTIRE footage. Probably because my PC is just THAT shitty. I'll stick to 1-1 Fire Luigi grinding for now, until I get my better PC up and running again :P

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