Generic speedrun question but...
4 years ago

Whats the best way to record the screen on a xbox one for several hours at a time? I litterally have no idea

And also how do I even setup splits on Xbox 1,is that even possible?

Edited by the author 4 years ago
  1. If you want to record for many hours in Xbox you need a capture card. Most runners though stream their runs to twitch and then submit the vod.

  2. Most console runners download an app for your phone called "Frame Perfect" which allows you to save times with different splits and all the stuff live split does


I downloaded frame perfect and I even decided to make myself some splits and I think it's pretty good but don't I have to display them on the screen in some way?


Splits are optional but most people use it to know if they saved time


Splits don't need to be shown on the recording.

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