PSA - Weird game crash bug on Act 5 Level 3
5 months ago
United States

Hey everyone!

I'm not sure what the reason behind it is, but on Act 5 Level 3 (The Final Countdown) the Lightning Elemental (Stormbringer Titan) can crash the game. I've gotten this to happen on both Console and Emulator, both PS2 and Gamecube. Notably, it does not matter if it's the first or second titan you use it's just a symptom of the clock.

I'm not entirely sure why but every time it's happened to me it's been between the 10 and 20 minute remaining countdown the level has. To prevent this, I've been making sure the Lightning Elemental is destroyed around the Hellfire area of my route as usually that's around 20 minutes. Doing this strategy I've yet to have my game crash since doing so. After the 20 minute mark any other titan has been A-Okay to use from my testing.

Feel free to try it and experiment yourself, but in the event of doing a full speed run I'd warn against using it to prevent your game from crashing on the final level of the long run.

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Upcoming: Individual Level Speedruns!

Hey everyone! This game currently only has a full run as it's speed run category, however to make it more inviting for players and add some other competitive fields to the game we are looking into adding individual level timing!

Our hope with this is that it'll create more opportunities for people

5 months ago
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