More mods?
2 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I understand that it takes time to moderate runs, but with only 3 mods (one of them is barely active) and such a huge community, it takes a pretty long time on average to get runs verified.

For example, there's currently 34 pending runs, which is quite a lot for a game.

Maybe create some mod apps so that the workload will be lesser?

Devon, England

we've all compeltely burned out and you need to understand that, + last time we did mod apps barely anyone did well


I think iv;e just been lazy really i;ll try somthing Ok i pinky promise (WITH A CHERRY ON TOP) that i;ll verify all the runs in the queue by like I dont know Monday march 14th 2022 Yea I feel like i could make that stricter but i';m a nice person so i wont Thank you so much masivetrain7 Your welcome

Edit: Ok guys i broke my pinky promise im so sory xerunox verifyd all the runs not me

Edited by the author 2 years ago

And about mod apps as much as i'd like to say we can handle the queue right now Well that hasnt gone so great so Maybe i'll consider it and if i break my pinky promise i will Definitely consider it

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@xe Yea I fully understand how much effort it takes to mod a game, that's why I'm saying that maybe having a few more mods to assist would be helpful for both the mods and people waiting for their runs to be verified

Quick note: When I posted something like this last time people accused me of being impatient and wanting mod, I honestly don't mind if my runs take a couple weeks to be verified and I don't necessarily want to be mod.

Devon, England

there's a lot of criteria which needs to be filled for people to become mod, + on top of that only 2 people were even doing well enough to get accepted out of like 20 people who submitted applications + chances are if there's another mod being added to this game it's going to be someone with a lot of other verifying experience cause I know from experience (cough cough find the chomiks) that jtoh members are just not good at moderating speedrun pages (I had to take complete and utter control over that game to get it on the right track)

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