Bunny Skip
4 years ago
United States

So I saw how CROMPY was able to somehow skip the whole child scene saving a whole couple minutes. As soon as I saw it I tried to recreate it but failed, and originally I thought I failed because I didn't die in the process, but as ThiccBoiiNoodles's new PB has shown it doesn't matter, does anyone have any theories on how to get the skip?


Hey. You make the jump then you die. Respawn point will be next to mines's door. Cut scene with girl begin you press start and you load the next check point. Skip done ;)

TBNick and SammyWorlda like this
United States

I tried it again by going to chapter select with the same save file and it worked (sadly I wasn't recording). On my second try with the same save file it didn't work and the cutscene wasn't skipped. After that all tries failed. I assume that means that if the cutscene loads even once you cant replicate the skip on that save file. I'm currently trying again on fresh save files and deleting them when they fail.

United States
  1. At 16:54 of my video I'm talking to Turkeyface while on the other side of the bridge on the ledge beneath.
  2. I push the other side of the bridge down
  3. As Turkeyface revs up his jumping thrusters I reveal the gooed up elevator
  4. At 17:38 Turkeyface says that I saved him from quite a distance away
  5. At 18:20 I spam roll to removed the note screen quickly
  6. At 18:24 something weird happens when I try to fall through the platform
  7. At 18:30 I die to teleport to the door
United States

Somewhere in that minute and thirty-six seconds causes the skip.

Georgia, USA

I got the skip. I think it has something to do with rolling into the respawn point while collecting the note. Not too sure. You can also just straight up skip it by going to the menu and choosing a respawn point that you get from the "death warp" just like Kynup said. I will post a video and link it here once its uploaded.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Georgia, USA

This is the skip 2 different ways

GrayArtificer, Kynup and 2 others like this
United States

Now that that's been sorted we should look into how I was able to clip into the floor as the knight. That skipped one floor of combat

TBNick likes this
United States

Yeah I agree, I'll start working on that right now. also ThiccBoiiNoodles you can put that video in the guide section to make it easy to find for others if you want, and thanks for making it, I was able to get the skip!

TBNick likes this
United States

Random tidbit of info, was just doing a run and i dropped down earlier than normal to fall and die for the bunny skip and grabbed the ledge at the bottom on accident, which didnt kill me.

When i ran up to the ladder instead of being respawned at it to unlock the door, it didnt give the save icon checkpoint to reload, so it forced me into the bunny scene.

Not sure if it does it everytime you dont happen to die and get respawned at the door but just something to keep in mind.

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