Any Version
Alaska, USA

Can any of these runs be any version, except for tutorial? If not, can there be one? Mine is non-updated because I have not Xbox Live on my Xbox 360 right now. (Which means the earliest version on that console.) I wanna try to do some level runs sometime.

British Columbia, Canada
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago


Edited by the author 5 years ago
OBSIDIAUS likes this
North Carolina, USA

You have to use console edition. A way you can tell is if you have a minigames option. Those are the versions of Minecraft you can use. I don't think your allowed to use bedrock edition but there are so few runs I don't think anyone would care.

British Columbia, Canada
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

still uh

Abruzzo, Italy

For the moment, if the run is glitchless, you can submit it in the normal leaderboards. I will evaluate later if the other leaderboards need to be separated

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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Regarding Glide Leaderboards

Hey this is Alexis, and after some debating, it has come to my sense that I will close the Glide Leaderboards for good. The leaderboards will still remain, but runs will no longer be accepted. If you want to submit your runs, refer to the Glide Discord Server here:

We hop

9 months ago
1 year ago