Categories, discord, and other stuff
4 years ago
Texas, USA

So after some testing and brief routing, Story runs would be literally, restart the level with the star assists and extra lives then plow the game down quickly as you can. Star usage is wild with this and it would make running mania borderline jokes. You DO lose about 15ish seconds reloading the stage to get the bonuses but the stages can be cleared much quicker. And with that you'd have to probably go RTA because each stage has its time calculated separately. Which THEN in turn means you have to calculate all your times together and go from there. AGAIN MORE WORK FOR THE PLAYER!

But should this be a real category? With all the characters currently and difficulties? Not up to me but I'd say no because reloading each stage to get the assists is...well...pretty wack lol. You could just learn the game right and just go Arcade mode and call it a day. IMO this should be the nail in the coffin with this mode being added to the boards. TBH friends, just stick with Arcade and do work. It takes time to learn but that's ANY speedrun you get into. Work hard and get yourself a good time because this game rewards you for really knowing how to play properly. I believe in you all and there's still optimizations out there even the top runners don't have yet.


Edited by the author 3 years ago

Story mode easy deathless please. Lock it up boys this meeting is OVER.


I know there is no desire to add a 100% mode (yet....) however for anyone who would want to run it even for fun I'm wondering what would be included?

The retro arcade cabinet boss fights for a start Collecting every Star

Would we also include collecting every item? Hitting every object (ie bins etc) even if it's empty?

For me, all of the above would be mandatory in a 100%, but one thing I was wondering was whether I'd include using every weapon too, which then gets split further into is it just every item within an object or things like Murphy's batons. And also, use each item once, or until destroyed.

Just stuff I was thinking about, not pushing to make it a category but was wondering if anyone else had been thinking these things, or just me lol

Ontario, Canada

This community as a whole for this game is a joke, there are some reasonable and respectful people out there but seems like non one here is at all inviting. I'll either continue playing the game in the true any% category or just go back to playing not garbage Streets of Rage games.

Still no actual IL's on the boards and the way things look is just disgusting and could have been handled much better.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Michigan, USA

Alright, dude.

Nova Scotia, Canada

Mash, with all due respect, the first thing you said on this forum were criticism of the board and how we need to change things to fit your perspective of what you think the boards should look like.

The community discussed the categories and set up of the boards for days - why would you feel it reasonable for us to instantly adapt your idea when we had already figured something out? We are all for sharing ideas, but you can’t say we’re uninviting and garbage because we don’t agree with you.

In addition, one community member tested story mode as mentioned above. That is in my humble opinion, the opposite of uninviting and garbage.

We appreciate your ideas, And your suggestions, we just didn’t agree.

ckellyspeedruns likes this

It's also a relatively small community it seems, with most people still happy to just grind away on Arcade.

I'd love to see some kind of 100% category, deathless and IL leaderboards integrated properly... but there's still a ton of categories with only one or two runs as it is.