2 years ago
Florida, USA

:D Hey there! Welcome in, those are some great points! And I agree, after thinking about the math, that lowers the categories per character to substantially 6, which is better. I changed the Power Speed EX to not show up as category variables, but instead they will still be there, just shown smaller on the runs in the list, took off obsolete so different runs will show incase anyone wants to have multiple runs of the same character showing different modes, so it'll show each one but conjoined all in same leader board section. ~

I am excited to see your runs!! Thank you very much btw, I've been pretty busy as of just recently now, suddenly working a whole lot, but on top of trying to make sure what content is in this game and how to rightfully lay it out on this page (and make it aesthetic), I'm also trying to figure out literally all of the move sets for all of the characters because currently on different sites I've found move lists with.. a decent amount of info, but they are just not updated fully or don't show quite everything (all unique abilities or actions across characters) Doing this myself has been quite the task but here's the link to that: Currently I'm finishing up with Akari and Amano, so yeah.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what characters fit into what stories.. yet. XD and that might take me a bit to figure out because I was going to have to play the game fully first, do you know which characters would fit into story 2?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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Florida, USA

Added Hibiki to Story 2

Florida, USA

Added rules but not sure if they are correct for story 2 as i have not played it yet. Also, do you happen to know what the Auto Power toggle setting does?

Florida, USA

I'm currently now using Bizhawk 2.8, I was using a different one before, called ares, but that one kept glitching out on me where I had to keep resetting my preferences.

Bizhawk 2.8 works really well, it automatically has the right stuff set up by default in my opinion, gives solid 60fps, the other emulators were giving me different issues overall.

And that's great, now it'll be organized alongside with other games in the series. I'll join the discord whenever you post it, I'll need to look into the other last blade games eventually ~

Thank you again, and feel free to PM me as well if you need anything. Any ideas for the runs or the page are definitely welcome.

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Too bad I can't see what Deleted said. I also PMed but I think discussion should be public. I have three suggestions I hope can be addressed before I start recording anything:

  1. No longer allowing 1 round fights Can archive the category. Default is 2 rounds right. 1 round rewards luck versus consistency and isn't a thing in any fighting game I've played. Exception for Gals Fighters which has a ludicrous speed option where fast reflexes are rewarded and the strategy is distinct from 2 round fights.
  2. Allowing stat boosting scrolls Either separated from no scrolls runs or classified with an annotation such as how Mode is shown. They're a legitimate part of the game. Problem is I can't find a source how to unlock them or even what they do. I'm making a list and will post as a Guide.
  3. Combining all characters in one category But indicate with an annotation like Mode. It's kind of crazy just finding the 11 runs the counter says exist spread across [9x3 (Story 1) + 14x3 (Story 2)] x 2 [Options for Rounds]. In very popular fighting games, separating by character make sense but that is not the case here. Only ones used thus far are Akari, Kaede, Yuki and Lee.

Any of this good enough for a News post?

  • Skill Scroll Guide, including how to obtain them, is live! Next plan is to make a grinding Guide for points and time-locked scrolls.
  • I discovered something important: Only the shoryuken moves with Forward, Down, Diagonal require diagonal movements. Can do Kaede's and Yuki's hadoken moves, for instance, with just Down, Forward + Punch. Especially helpful for Super Secret and Hidden Secret Slashes! I found all but shoryuken moves are easier to enter on the Switch's 4 button d-pad than the joystick in this way.
  • I found the min way of unlocking Story 2 is done by beating the game with anyone besides Akari or Yuki then buying their ENDING1 scroll, then starting Story with that new character. Easy difficulty with 1 Round works just fine! You can go back to playing Story 1 with the original 9 characters or Hagure by selecting with the OPTION button.
  • Not news-worthy but would be cool to remove the % in Story 1 and 2 categories. There's a suggestion under mod rules saying people don't like arbitrary %'s and that includes me.