My Leaderboard Ban
2 years ago
Alberta, Canada

I would like to have a chance to appeal my ban. I never was consulted about it, nor given a chance to defend myself before it happened. I won’t post names here to avoid causing extra drama. Those of you aware of the situation know who is involved.

The guy and I have had a respectful conversation about everything, agreed that peace is best for both of us, and I will not be talking about him.

The girl (who is not even really part of the ALttP community) is not so mature. She came out with slanderous and damning false allegations against me, with total disregard for the truth and the effects on me.

There was a very complex ordeal that occurred between her and I. We eventually stopped talking, and she told a white lie about me to a few of her friends (not realizing that a couple of those people were also my friends and long term acquaintances). I didn’t realize until I found myself banned in several stream communities I had been part of for years, with more and more bans accumulating the more time I left the situation alone.

I confronted her about it, and we seemingly made peace in private (In late July/early August last year). A few days later, she went on a full slander campaign against me, using a few out-of-context screenshots (which I am more than happy to provide ALL of the context to) because she would rather sink me than be caught in her lie.

I was exiled from the ALttP NMG community over her allegations, alongside multiple other stream communities connected to SRC. I had spent 4 years building connections and friendships in this and the other communities, and anyone from any of these communities knows that I had been nothing but friendly and encouraging 100% of the time prior to my ban. I have definitely had some angry moments a few times since, but if you were in my shoes I would be very surprised if you did not feel betrayed and angry as well.

If I had a single chance to defend myself and provide my COMPLETE evidence of what REALLY happened, this ban would have never happened. Where are the actually moderate/reasonable mods? With all due respect, it’s ridiculous that nobody has even spoken to me yet. And banning me from speedrun leaderboards over drama that you do not have the complete facts on is also against TOS.

I do not want any more drama and I do not want to cause issues for anyone in this community. I do want my name cleared, and I will never ever back down when someone is making false allegations against me which I have the evidence to disprove.

My leaderboard ban is unfair and unfounded by the actual truth. Please, let’s have a reasonable conversation about this like mature adults.

AnonPickl3, Limenie and 6 others like this
Florida, USA

JusticeForGKub <3

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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AnonPickl3, mistress_jackie and 3 others like this
Georgia, USA


VinnyTheRunnerYo, AnonPickl3 and 4 others like this

JusticeForGkub! Let the man be free!

VinnyTheRunnerYo, AnonPickl3 and 4 others like this

g_kub was never given any sort of due process regarding this. Few were willing to talk to him, let alone listen to his side of the story. He at least deserves an opportunity to appeal. Please let him tell his side of the story.

As for the man himself, he has many character witnesses that can attest to his strong moral fiber, including his long-time long-distance girlfriend. I know that some of the people reading this also feel this way about g_kub. However, they refused to support him because they were scared about what would happen to them. I do not condemn anyone who feels this way and seeks to protect themselves. If, however, you feel like it is time to take a stand for someone who you know is a good man, this is that time.

As for others, those who were friends with g_kub and cut him off without even hearing him out, I implore you to think back to when you knew him. Deep down, do you really think that this person is a bad person? Do you really think he does not deserve to have his side heard by the moderators? Do you really think that banning someone off the leaderboards is the appropriate response to private interpersonal conflicts? I ask you to reconsider these questions. In my opinion, you owe it to yourselves, if not to g_kub, to make sure that whatever your answers are to these questions, they are the right answers.

I hate to bring up current events, and I do not want to accuse anyone of being like anyone in recent highly-publicized trials. But if the last few months has taught us anything, it is that it is vitally important for both sides of the story to be heard. If people refused to let a certain person tell his side of the story, who knows where he would be today? Please, let g_kub tell his side of the story. It is the right thing to do.

AnonPickl3, FoulFTW and 3 others like this


VinnyTheRunnerYo, AnonPickl3 and 3 others like this

JusticeForG_Kub!!!!! If he wasn't given the chance to defend himself then let him do it now :D

AnonPickl3, FoulFTW and 2 others like this
Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

You are talking like it's everyone else's fault. Why not message a mod or LITERALLY ANYONE earlier!? It's not like I have a horse in this race or anything, but still, I needed to get that out of the way. Those were not some minor allegations. It was a pretty big thing actually.

But yea, if you are telling the truth, you shouldn't be banned. Should probably talk to the mods directly.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
SpieleWilli likes this

To date, you've made no attempts to directly contact anyone on the moderation team to discuss or appeal the ban, choosing instead to only imply we won't communicate with you by posting it as stream titles, a run submission message, and now a public forum post. You're welcome to approach any of the super-moderators on the leaderboard in SRC DM's if you wish to discuss your ban and present said evidence. This is not a matter of public debate though, and as such I am locking this thread.

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