Egg% but not the fake one%
3 years ago
New Jersey, USA


Texas, USA


Edited by the author 3 years ago
Texas, USA

pogchamp’ is invisible now???

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Louisiana, USA

yeah it's invisible because twitch banned it

Texas, USA

The [REDACTED] supporters doin’ their thing!

Texas, USA

no but actually im stoked on egg% (not fake)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Dominican Republic

so uh, is there gunna be one :)

wyatt_dog720 likes this
Flevoland, Netherlands


I say do it cus

Texas, USA

real egg% would be pog

wyatt_dog720 likes this
Dominican Republic


If real egg% is added, I’ll.


Edit to my other post: If real egg% is added I won’t run it because doing token cancel on Xbox is like shooting myself in the foot, cus half the time I do it I accidentally buy tokens cus of the Xbox glitch Pog