A NMG Route (Guide to getting sub 21)
A NMG Route (Guide to getting sub 21)
Updated 4 years ago by Speedrun

This is going to be my guide to getting a sub 21 in Robot 64. I will be using my wr run for reference .

Before we get into the advanced tricks, you must know the route. The run starts off by exiting the tutorial in the secret exit, then getting on top of the observatory to collect the IC. Then you slide down to the ground and collect the You can Jump IC. You go into the observatory and enter Turtle Tops. You head over to the town and go into the soap subarea. You go through it to collect the IC. You wanna talk to the bunny with the headband, and you want to beat them to the top of the mountain, and climb the flagpole, so do that. Next, you want to grab the jetpack, and fly over to the lighthouse, and grab the firefly jar. With the jar, you want to collect 10 fireflies (check the run for locations). Doing so, you should have the bunny racing IC animation happen, unless you're fast enough. If you're too slow to reach the lighthouse after collecting 10 fireflies before the bunny gets to the top, then collect the racing IC first, then get the lighthouse IC. After collecting both IC's, you wanna head to the bottom of the mountain, by the lighthouse, and enter the purple tower subarea. After completing it, you should have 7 Ice Creams. Click the Pause and go back to hub, then head over to knoddy's resort. You want to head straight towards the flowers and complete that subarea. Then, you go over to the 3 guards and make them go into the ocean to collect an IC. After doing so, you go into the hotel. Inside the hotel, you want to grab 2 things in the lobby of the hotel, and put them in the room to the left. There should be 4 items inside the room now, and you must throw them towards the black hole in the room, to get an IC. Next, you go into the next part of the hotel, then the room to the right, and complete the Chomping Pillar Parkour to get an IC. Finally, go back to the original room, and go into the room opposite of the black hole room, and complete the maze to collect an IC. You should have 12 IC's. Go back to hub and go into the Hecklands. You want to go over to the floating islands and do that parkour to get the IC, then go over to Jobb and spin attack him until he gives you an IC. Afterwards, head over to the portal inside the tree, and complete that subarea to get the IC, then climb up the mountain and go into the subarea in the tree at the top, and complete the maze to get the IC. You should have 16 IC's by now. Go back to hub and go into Candy Aquarium. You want to go to the building with the Brento Box inside (see video), and grab the disc thing and throw it at the brento box to get an IC. Then, head over to the cave and spin attack all the crabs to get an IC. Next, head over to the little tiny cave (see video) and complete the Subarea. Finally, go to the top of the water, and climb onto the building at the top (see video), and grab the floating IC. You should have 20 IC's by now. Go back to hub and go into the chimney inside the observatory, and complete the slide, then go into the room across the chimney, and go into the hole in the mirror and get the IC. (see video.) You should have 22 IC's. Now, head into TinyHuge Bedroom, and plug in the computer and press the Enter key on the keyboard to get the IC. Then, get onto the shelves above the Computer and grab the Die, then bring it back to the army dudes on the floor. Now, grab one of the crayons, and finish the homework by filling all the answers in. Then, jump on the bed, and fly over the the shelf near the roof and grab the IC. Finally, head over to the drawers, and complete the wires IC. You should have 27 IC's. Finally, head over to New Neocity, and head over to the racing bunny, and race him to the building (see video). You also wanna grab the Jetpack while heading to the flagpole (see video). Now, you want to go through the rings in the air, and you want to go to the left at the right time (see video), and collect the IC. Then, the racing bunny animation should happen, and then head the giant fan, and collect the IC in the middle. Then, go through the rings in the sky, and collect that IC, then collect the Racing bunny IC. Finally, head over to the building (see video) and collect that purple tower IC. You should have 32 IC's. Finally, go to planet Kebabulon and complete the game.

Advanced Tricks:

(0:33) What I do here is I turn off follow camera. This is optional as @hexsr (2nd Place) and @yarn (4th place) don't do this in their runs. If you want a free camera, I'd recommend this.

(0:36 - 0:42) What I do here is I long jump to the box (W+Shift+Space), then i GP Jump (Shift + Space) to get height, then I dive into the wall, then spin off of the wall to get on top of it. Then I head over to the secret exit. Doing this optimally can save a few seconds.

(0:45 - 0:49) This is a very advanced trick, so I only recommend top runners doing this. What i do is I dive into a slide, then Long Jump into the tree, then jump and dive, then double jump forward towards the observatory, then dive, spin, run up the side of the wall, then jump off the wall, and spin again, to get the IC on top of the observatory.

(0:57) This is called IC Slide, and what you do is you face the IC from a fair distance away. Then Dive toward the IC, then press Shift+E at the right time. If you time it right, you will grab the IC, and start sliding towards the You Can Jump! IC. Doing this right can save 3 seconds.

(1:50 - 3:08) One of the hardest tricks in the game is Faster IC Trick (Found by @yarn). What you do is you talk to the race bunny. Depending on the time, you add 1:01 to it. So if you get a 1:19, you have to get the fireflies cutscene at 2:20. If you time it right, when you get the firefly IC animation after collecting it, the Race IC animation happens. Doing this correctly gives you free movement while the race IC animation is happening, allowing you to collect it from the lighthouse. This only works if your graphics are at one. You can skip flying to the flagpole to collect the race IC. Doing this trick can save about 6-8 Seconds.

(3:48 - 4:15) The newest trick in NMG, Phantom Skateboard. What you do is you Shift dive over to the skateboard and grab it. You head over to the flowers and you jump to the 3rd flower. Then you click the Plus sign in the top right to open the transaction menu, then press space, and finally press the plus again. You should get a transaction option. You click cancel then quickly run into the portal (Make sure you're facing in the correct direction, check video to see which angle you face.) While you're loading into the sub-world, spam the E button. Doing this optimally saves 5-8 seconds compared to the normal route. This is a very advanced trick only the best should use.

(7:38 - 7:45) This is Hecklands Jump. It is one of the simplest tricks that saves around 1-2 Seconds. What you do is you double jump at the right time, then dive, then spin. You hit the right part of the wall to bounce towards the top.

(7:48 - 7:58) In order to get optimal dark maze, imagine the pathway is a V. The first opening is at the top right of the V, and you follow the path from there. You can also memorize the video if that's easier.

(10:12 - 10:24) This trick is called Fast Slide. What you do is you slide normally, until the 2nd last candy, then you turn left and still hold W until you're about to hit the slide again, then you hold W and left. If done right, you will gain a lot of height and distance, allowing you to fly towards the IC, saving time.

(11:13 - 11:20) You grab the Die, then you Long jump and dive onto the keyboard. Then you slide of the keyboard toward the army people. This gives you a lot of speed and saves time compared to just diving over there.

(12:00 - 12:10) Wires is a very hard IC for beginners. What you have to do is Long Jump four times at the right time, then click when the wire is in the air to jump off. Then you run into the next wire. There are two options. Groundpound Option: You get above the IC, then groundpound. This is more reliable but slower. Fast Option: You click when you bounce a little bit upwards while holding D. Doing it at the right time will make you hit the IC.

(13:27 - 13:54) This trick is called Fast Fan. What you do is you get the Race IC animation. After it ends, you have a lot of speed. The trick I use to get Fast Fan is that I aim lower than I would think would be needed. If done right, you get tons of speed. Finish the path to get the Flying IC. Doing this trick perfectly saves like 7-9 Seconds.

(15:37 - 16:01) When you get 5 Minisuns in a row like so, you wanna head to the right while holding space, then when it's destroyed, HOLD W+SPACE. The Miniboss should appear, but you shouldn't take damage.

(16:03 - 16:17) Make sure your audio is turned on. You keep on holding W+Space until you hear 5 minisuns being destroyed.

(17:37 - 18:00) You wanna Hold W the whole time while doing this. You wanna let Go and press A at different intervals. Doing so correctly will make the minisun on the right die very quickly. You wanna repeat this for the right sun as well.

(18:35 - ) You wanna hold W+Space again, and keep on doing so until you lose your 2nd heart, then you hold S. You wanna make sure you're in the middle so you don't hit the minisuns surrounding the miniboss. If a star comes directly at you, you wanna go to the very bottom to make sure you don't lose a heart. If you have 1 heart during the boss fight at any point, you must stop shooting until you gain another heart. After defeating the boss, you hold W to get past the minisuns.

I hope this Guide Helps. I wanna see more people run NMG