[Color] Emerald% / Names for skips
1 year ago

As a newbie in this forum i know i kind of overstep the boundaries but i will still share my ideas, first of i read in a thread here the idea of doing each emerald as a categorie for example Red Emerald% wich would start at the entrance of the volcano or Cyan emerald that would start at spawn i think (as the other player said) that it would bring more people, also for the All emeralds% i was thinking of that naming the skips or place in the speedrun was a good idea for people who likes to time each section they do for example names like : Volcano skip/Forest Skip/island skip, and places that doesn't require skip would be something like : Temple, City, Wasteland, i haven't found a name for the white emerald so if you have suggestions for that or change the names i chose please do.

That is if you like the idea in the first place x) thank you for taking the time to read.