Can we get a new category (and maybe get rid of an old one)?
5 years ago
United States


First off before I go asking for stuff I want to say ill be a moderator if you'd like another one.

That said the 100k points category has always bugged me. Its just...completely arbitrary.

I suggest we replace the category with what I believe is in the Spirit of that category - Hi Score. If you look at the in-game hi score it is set at 500k. Why not have that as the points category - "Hi Score" aka > 500K points. Its also up to you but i'd just move the 100k points category to misc runs so you dont wipe everyones times.

Please consider this and let me know.

Thanks again!


Makes sense to me. Also included all bonuses, since it seems appropriate.

There ain't a lot of action going on here, so another mod isn't really needed at the moment.

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