First OOB ever ! Test it !
9 years ago

This is the first OOB i found on this game. Unfortunately, in this case, the next area doesn't load but maybe it could be useful somewhere else in the future.

Ontario, Canada

Fun stuff, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for stuff like this

United States

it's pretty funny how the last area unloaded and tried to load the next area, but the floor collision wasn't loaded. He just fell through the ground Bugs Bunny style a second later. HA.

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SRC, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to rename "Time With Loads" in the submission form to "Real Time Attack" for some stupid reason... When you submit, please place your IGT into the "Real Time Attack" time box and leave "Load Removed Time" empty. It's the only way to keep the leaderboard con

3 months ago
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