Very Hard vs lone wolf.
4 years ago

I'm not sure on the details regarding past submissions though that isn't important. The point or question I'm making is should very hard runs offline be with AI or not?

The reason I ask is that I'm fairly sure at some point I submitted runs where I was on my own for VH but were rejected because it made the lone wolf category obsolete.

For example. In Outbreak having AI can be a burden because you can't start the final cutscene until everyone alive is on screen and AI can (and have) wandered off.

Any runs I may have had don't match the rules anymore anyway so I'll need to start afresh but in the event of future submissions, I'd like clarity over very hard vs lone wolf run requirements. As I look at the boards, there are runs that are essentially lone wolf under very hard but if going solo is faster than with AI then you have redundant categories.

This, of course, doesn't affect character type or melee but any% runs would be.

Thank you.

Georgia, USA

Unfortunately because there were so many categories that were adopted before by past moderators of the game there will be a lot of redundancies for sure that people submit the same run to 3 different categories. If the community can agree to which categories to drop, I am fine with slimming them down now that all the birthday and family events are done and I can finally get the rules finalized for the umpteenth time