Future Speed-runner asking for help!
7 years ago
Iowa, USA

Hi I am trying to get into this game for speed running (mainly NG+ Any%) and would like to know some things:

  1. How do you do the split setup for streaming?
  2. For NG+ Any% do I have to have all weapons maxed or just the ones i'll use in the run? (Would be a little less work on my part since I will just have to get the Gold Bolts!)
  3. How do you reset an NG+ game file on RaC PS4?
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Here's the answer to Question 3:

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  1. I don't stream myself, but the timer I use is LiveSplit and I know it's great for streaming.

  2. Just the weapons you want to use. I recommend watching Scaff's tutorial for what weapons to use, it really helped me out.

  3. When you beat the game, go to the main menu and check if you have a "Challenge Mode" option. If you do, connect a USB flash drive and save it on there, then if you want to reset just copy the save file from the USB flash drive to your PS4.

Hope this helped, good luck mate!


This tutorial is a bit old but it should answer question 2 and help you with some things if they haven't changed.

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Iowa, USA

Also one more question. If I do by chance run 100%, and since I have the bouncer, do I still have to upgrade that or do I exempt that (even though exempting would be stupid since it is an all around good weapon)?

Iowa, USA

BTW thanks for the help!


Yes you do have to upgrade it

Iowa, USA

Sorry but one more thing popped in my mind: is there any difference in time via languages or is it all the same?


Polish is fastest, if you're in America use Portoguese.


The time saves are not huge, starting of in English is a good choice. When getting more of an optimized time, then you can switch to which one of these languages you have. Preferably polish I feel you can

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Portugese loses like 2 seconds compared to Polish (which is only available in the PAL version) so it's no big deal. We don't know how Japanese compares which is only available in the Japanese version.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Iowa, USA

Alright guys thanks again for helping future competition! (Cheers)

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