GOTY Any% Category
5 years ago

Hello fine folks. Been dabbling with Any% on the GOTY version on and off for the past year and have routed something fairly speedy together, obviously a hell of a lot slower than the 1.0 patch version.

Given the relative difficulty of acquiring a patchless copy of the game, is there (or is there any interest in) a separate category for the GOTY addition with all patches?

Been dabbling in the All Main Quests No Major Glitches rout too, only to just find my time woefully inadequate when compared to Volvulus' stellar run.

Pennsylvania, USA

Steam GOTY has all patches, I'm not sure I understand what you mean otherwise.

United States

Hey, so there are actually two routes that exist for any% on GOTY, theyre considered to be "glitchless" runs. They also actually run on -100 difficulty, while the rules specify 0 difficulty (this could change). However, I believe both routes actually turn OFF Tribunal and Bloodmoon. This is very easy to do- just click on "Data Files" in the Morrowind Launcher, and un-check Tribunal and Bloodmoon, leaving Morrowind as the only one checked. Reason for this is it removes the assassins (I don't even think it's a factor in the routes, but there is no point in enabling expansions).

One is by Yams, he made some videos going through it here: Part 1: Part 2:

The other one is by me, but it's not a consistent strategy as it does a similar trick with All Main Quests No Major Glitches where you keep attempting for the Balmora Temple scroll merchant to sell the Scroll of Windform.

Actual run:

If you have any questions, people on discord are almost always willing to help out, link to it can be found in Resources tab!

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Jelly: Sorry, poor wording there! Meant the Steam version, given how it can basically never compete with the 1.0 in any category (save DLC ones I suppose) thanks to a few key changes. But it looks like some stuff is possible in GOTY regardless. Just sad more of this absurdly broken game never gets showed off.

Volvulus: Thanks for the info. Might have to give that run a go. Will check out the discord tomorrow.

Also, I had a question about your All Main Quest - No Major Glitches. How are you able to sequence break to the Cavern of Incarnate early? I thought this was impossible on GOTY? Is there something I missed?

United States

No problem! So for amq nmg, if you want to copy my route (which I'd recommend, a good route is key for this game) you have to disable tribunal and bloodmoon in Data Files. This will allow you to skip the Kogoruhn quest for the Urshilaku and access the cavern of the incarnate early. If you choose the exact dialogue that I pick and rest until 6 am or 6 pm you can enter the cavern of the incarnate early.

  1. Make your way to khuul and jump toward the burial cavern, get the bow from the ghost.
  2. Go to the camp, talk to Zabamund "nerevarine prophecies," choose last option to gain permission to talk to ashkhan
  3. Talk to the ashkan, "nerevarine prophecies, initiation rite (2x), nerevarine prophecies (continue)" and then exit, go to the wise woman's yurt.
  4. Talk to her "nerevarine prophecies (continue), pass the test." Now rest til it's 6 am or 6 pm. Keep in mind you will want adrenaline rush here because we have to travel very far. If it's 4 pm, you'll need to wait 26 hours to get adrenaline rush back and make it 6 pm. Use icarian flight and adrenaline rush and then your wizard staff or scroll of Windform (depending on the route you use, non-windform is better for learning the game but slower) to levitate to the cave. It takes some practice to get the most direct path as possible, so make use of multiple save files (in general).
Edited by the author 5 years ago

Okay, that makes a lot of sense! I didn't realise it was tied specifically to the expansions. That makes more sense. Ta for the info! Was very confused at that point in your run. Skipping Kogoruhn saves on tonnes of travelling too.

I was messing round with some Orc strategies with the Daedric Battle Axe you can get from Dram Bero, but seeing as the magic resist shenanigans are allowed with the Boots, that's going to be way faster. Should be able to reduce my time massively!

I noticed also that that NMG Any% run of yours isn't listed under the category in the leaderboards. Is it due to the difficulty being at lowest?

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