Level Leaderboards
8 years ago
New Brunswick, Canada

Can a mod look over the level leaderboards and make sure the rules on them are correct? Seems like levels that have an in-game timer accept times based on that, but that's not what the rules say. Just as an example, there's the Gelato Beach Shine 5 with Piantissimo, and the rules state:

"Timing starts from the fade-in AFTER the opening cutscene, right before you gain control of Mario, and ends when Mario touches the shine. "

But the times on the leaderboard for that shine just use the in-game timer, which starts when the race starts and end upon touching the flag, so I assume there are probably inconsistencies like that on the Leaderboard for other individual shines as well.


We can't fully change the rules for every level, we can just add things. Also currently there are some issues where we can't edit the rules properly. For all the IGT Shines, it SHOULD say at the bottom of the rules: "In-Game time is used.".

Devil6Lair likes this
New Brunswick, Canada

I think I might understand how the level leaderboards work now. I guess if I have questions on how the rules work for certain things I'll just ask then.

So, when it comes to full completion on worlds, is there anything particular to know about what's allowed? I mean, obviously you can't have any blue coins going in because that wouldn't work, but does it matter whether you've finished the shines in the level and are getting them again or if you're going into the level completely fresh for the first time?

Utah, USA

Well you want to have them done and Corona loaded because then there are no event cutscenes