Mystery 1.3.1 version
4 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

If anyone is still playing Happyland Adventures, I have a question. On other forum posts there is said a lot about 1.3.1 version which I have doubts about whether it exists at all. Download links for 1.3.1 version actually lead to exactly the same game as 1.3 version (file sizes exactly the same) and in game there is written "version 1.3". Moreover, on official website there has never been released 1.3.1 version (you can chech with So, my question is: Does anyone has a proof that 1.3 and 1.3.1 are not the same?

Aquitaine, France

I remembered this was 2 years ago but I can't find an 1.3.1 version anymore (I thought I had it on my forrmer PC), now I play on 1.3 version and I don't care about the 1.3.1 anymore. I'll look for it but I can't ensure I will find it.

Aquitaine, France

And now I made some tests on the 1.3 version, and there is a slightly speed boost when you launch it on Linux (with Wine) than on Windows 10. Maybe I'll try launching it with the compatibility mode of Win10 and see if it changes game speed.

Dolnośląskie, Poland

I downloaded Happyland Adventures from about 10 different sources which most of them refered themselves as 1.3.1 version and the rest as 1.3 version. Then I compared main exe file and files in DATA folder using windows command line FC command and (what a surprise) all of them were exactly the same. This leads me to one conclusion: version 1.3.1 is exactly the same as version 1.3 and all @Dezu123 's theories about game speed difference between those versions are not true. The only thing that caught my attention that downloads with original Happyland Adventures installer were all 1.3 and downloads with custom installers were mostly 1.3.1. Maybe all the 1.3.1 mess was just to mark a custom installer, not different game version.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Małopolskie, Poland

It can be true, I didnt saw any difference between versions. You might be right about my mistakes on 1.3.1 version. Still I dont know why game running on some hardware other way than on others. Thats why I wanted a game to run on 1.3.1 version. But Im totally ok with admitting my mistake. I hope we can resolve timing problem. Do you guys have some idea? I only had an idea about running game on virtual machines, but thats a little bit problematic

Małopolskie, Poland

Sorry, that was a lot time ago so I didnt knew about it. I just run my 131 version and its like this:

Pls, catch me on discord Dezu1 #8150 I will provide u a version

Edit: Still I dont know if its actually the same or not

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

Thanks. I am very curious what it really is and how it differs from 1.3. In the internet all 1.3.1 downloads lead to 1.3 version, so I'm really looking forward to get real 1.3.1 version.

Dolnośląskie, Poland

Okay, I take it back. It looks like I was fooled by fake 1.3.1 downloads. Version 1.3.1 exists but it's something else than claimed by these downloads.

One more time, thank you @Dezu123 for sending me real 1.3.1 version.

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