Switch times
4 years ago

How are the switch times so much slower then pc times? Is it just gameplay

Northumberland, England

There is no real difference in the actual game*, at least in any%. Being on PC just provides runners with a few advantages, e.g.;

• More button binding options, such as creating a demo button • Access to debug mode & mods to make practicing a lot easier • Using keyboard, for those who prefer that method

So all of the top runners will run the game on PC

(* I only know of 1 screen in Farewell that is different on PC to how it is on console (it was made easier in a later patch consoles don't have yet))

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Mileve, catlop and 4 others like this

So it's better gameplay?

Or is there some strats that are not possible on the switch?

Also sorry I'm a newbie but i wonder if switch times can beat pc times

Colorado, USA

@Bram2001 read IckleChris' response to you when you get a chance, I think you might have missed it or failed to comprehend every single word.

Squeal, TTD and 2 others like this
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Great answer for someone who said he’s a newbie makes me feel welcome

Colorado, USA

IckleChris gave an extremely helpful and comprehensive answer, which got completely ignored. I'm not sure what you expect to see when someone has shown an unwillingness to learn other than 'look back at answer given'. Jumpy was harsh, but correct in his opinion.

sam1370, BossuTime, and oledakaajel like this
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