What’s the ideal snack when gaming?
6 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Here’s my pick Pop corn with a glass of Lemonade or water. It’s not greasy and the crumbs won’t get on your controller/keyboard. The lemonade is very refreshing and washes down the Pop corn.

I’d like to know yours

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I like to eat fruit like melon, banana, grapes any thing really and drink wise I will drink anything I like

DracaarysTrophy likes this
Alberta, Canada

tic tac, orange and lime?


Anything that doesn't get stuck on your fingers.

Mario564 and Bogdan_mk like this
He/Him, It/Its
6 years ago

biscuits, tons of biscuits

DracaarysTrophy, Mario564 and 2 others like this
Richmond, VA, USA

Water with lemon, coffee or tea for me. I've always just took a break to go eat XD


fried rice, water, funyuns

IM_Cmac and Tron_Javolta like this

+1 for funyuns

KomradeKontroll likes this


Also, is it bad that I eat salt?

Objectively, yes, because that'll likely have a very negative effect on your blood pressure if that's a regular thing.


"Also, is it bad that I eat salt?" - Yes, from both a health and a "wot" perspective ;)

+1 for popcorn, although I'm bad about eating greasy stuff while gaming, my pads must hate me

Texas, USA

When I play guitar hero sessions with my sister, we have this ritual where we go get a bag of sun chips so by the time we get to the hard songs, our fingers are all greased up and move easily from one color to the next.

So I suppose it depends on your game and individual needs :-)

European Union

just as a counter-question: what would be the most easy fat-maker to eat while gaming? I'm thin as a stick (probably thinner than Pac) and want to add some tons.

Bogdan_mk and ShikenNuggets like this

20 piece mcnuggets should do the trick

Bogdan_mk, ChucadeMogseum and 3 others like this
European Union

but they'd require me to drive 40mins with my bike to get them, which would kill the "get fat part" and replace it with "get fit"


You could always get a warmer and stockpile your nuggies for safe keeping

Bogdan_mk and HowDenKing like this

I don't think 40 minutes of biking would offset a few bags of mcnuggets anyway, so operation get chunky is still intact.


just buy the ones from the frozen section cook em all at once haha

California, USA

If you mean regular gaming, I just hit pause and grab anything food related OpieOP

But if you mean speedgaming, I'm partial to these fruit gummies. https://d2ln0cvn4pv5w2.cloudfront.net/unsafe/1024x800/filters:quality(100):max_bytes(200000):fill(white)/http://dcmzfk78s4reh.cloudfront.net/1498799219221.jpg They taste good and they're bite-size so I can eat a few at a time.

Ribb95 and HowDenKing like this
Essex, England

They made fizzy wine gums and I'm hooked on the red ones. Wake me up a bit during cutscenes.

MelonSlice and HowDenKing like this
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

This is a good question actually, because the speedgame I was the most passionate about so far is over 7 hours and you really get hungry, especially if it takes another hour or two to get an attempt going.

I ate pretty much everything so far during those runs. Fish Sticks turned out to be quite comfortable. You can even cut them into pieces with just a fork and eat such a piece rather quickly, even during a 2 secs loading screen.

If I am good on money I just order Pizza, but bear in mind to choose one which hasn't too many "soft" ingredients on it because you don't want to mess with a pizza slice which has fallen into a dozen pieces during a run.

For drinks, energy drinks are needed to stay alert. Coffee is no good idea, because it will make you need to pee too early.

For sweets, everything Haribo created is a good idea. Chocolate etc. Probably not such a good idea.