Glitchless Category?
5 years ago
Texas, USA

Yes, I would love to run that as well. I would do it on Hard for sure

Ohio, USA

You should define all glitches not allowed. (ex. grapple glitch, double load, out of bounds, etc.) btw i think this category would be great


you're welcome, go ahead with the runs if you please. But what do you call glitchless, glitches are always equivocal to define. There's also a lot of specific situations will you use: (list from more broken to less broken)

  • bumping on rocks? (this isn't even included in the run, but it may concern the new box jumping trick in Genosis' 2nd level)
  • doubleloading?
  • freezing barrels with quicksaves?
  • grapple glitch?
  • out of bounds?
  • what would you call out of bounds? do rock skips count?
  • breaking the intended scenario (like breaking enemies AI, skipping triggers, not spawning enemies)?
  • invincibility glitch?
  • fast weapon switching and animation cancelation (such as fast melee, quickscoping)?
  • suicide during load screen (in Frontline)?
  • blocking closing doors?
  • the mere fact of quicksaving? ... (I'm anticipating the run changes: is it ok to jump on your clone's head? (>w< )uhuhuh) or jumping on droids or slavers?

I just need clear rules since people will always complain about glitches, cheating and your run is not true or whatever

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I think a easier way to define it might be a "no skips" category, which basically would mean you need to go through the levels the ways the developers intended. You would still need to define specific rules. My suggestion would be: The only actions allowed during loading screens is movement, visor mode changing and weapon switching. (Includes no double loading) No grapple glitch. No jumping on frozen props (barrels or anything else that might be discovered) No out of bounds. This would basically include any area that isn't "intended" to be accessible and a given time). This might have some contention as to what is "intended", but I think it's generally not too hard to understand. For example, rock skips aren't "intended" and the Jailbreak skip, while the areas are all accessible, are not intended to be accessible without first breaching the door. Some things like jumping the around the crates in Fate of the Resistance would be fine since you never leave any "intended" play area. Shooting the barricade at the end of the walkway in that level wouldn't be allowed, since it allows you to progress without slicing the console, which is "intended".

This would allow things like animation cancelling, skipping any triggers that don't allow you to access areas early, invincibility, superbumping that doesn't allow you to go out of bounds (such as territory). These things are harder to control, since many of them can happen accidentally in a run.

Another option would be a more traditional out of bounds definition that would allow you to access areas early, just not ones that you are required to go outside of the normal play area for.

That is all assuming there is actually demand for such a category. In my opinion, all of the coolest tricks would be banned, but there would be more of a focus on fighting. There is hard mode for that though, IMO.

NovaStardust likes this
Ohio, USA

What's the status on putting this together @Lucky? If you're still interested, you have my full support.

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