Instapasses thread
2 years ago
Maryland, USA

Post any and all instapasses here because nobody wants to have to dig stuff up in Discord.

Taxi Driver (almost) You can break out of the cutscene by canceling taxi, but there's a "perma-instance" of taxi that crashes your game once you get it canceled somehow (e.g., via dying).

Distribution w/ Two Bit Hit (1.0/1.01 only)

Distribution w/ Test Track

SSA Race 1

Juju Scramble (1.0/1.01 only)

Cap the Collector (<1.04 ONLY)

Bombs Away w/ Test Track

Bombs Away w/ Vigilante Kill remaining instance either with a well-timed Vigilante start RIGHT before the end of the cutscene fade-out, or just go blow up the van.

Cabmaggedon Kill leftover instance with Distribution or om1 rampage death

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Riot Instapass w/Vigilante (1.0/1.01 only)

Demolition Man Instapass w/The Shootist Leftover instance could be killed himself and sometimes no. Further testing need to be done to see how it works.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

RC Raider Pickup Instapass with Spilling the Beans


Taxi Driver Instapass

  • Start riot with om0 rampage
  • Blow up every van except for one
  • Drive the van to lawyer
  • Start riot again
  • Blow up the last van. You now have one riot instance running.
  • Take Cortez call and start Treacherous Swine
  • Get into the marker with the PCJ! (This is important. If you walk into it you will start the other instance's cutscene as well and this won't work.)
  • Make sure that Tommy can't get into the marker after warping with the bike. I have used a car to stop him from doing that, maybe someone else can find a better setup.
  • Finish the mission as usual
  • Get a taxi, park it near the building
  • Start the cutscene once again but don't kill Gonzalez
  • Jump off the roof, next to your parked taxi
  • Get in the taxi and wait for the cutscene to start
  • As soon as the cutscene starts, start taxi driver submission
  • Enjoy your boost jumps

Paramedic Instapass

  • Start Checkpoint Charlie or Bombs Away with om0 rampage
  • Start The Shootist
  • Pass or Fail the first instance of The Shootist
  • Trigger the cutscene inside the Ammunation again
  • Skip the first round
  • Kill yourself before you get to the second marker
  • Start Taxi Driver
  • Enjoy never getting tired while running

Credit goes to root1x

AnakeenSkywalker, mr_L0nelyN00B and 2 others like this

RC Bandit Race Instapass with Death Row (1.0/1.01/1.02/1.03 only)

cookie_xdd and qoznyyy like this

Not Instapasses but is related to duping.

Spilling the Beans Partial Skip with Juju Scramble (skips to the part where you need to go the ship at Viceport. Before starting the assault on the ship). Works only on versions 1.02/1.03/1.04.

Cabmaggedon Partial Skip with Juju Scramble (skips to the cutscene where the owner of VC Cabs appears with a Zebra cab. Game crashes when passing the mission). You need a stack fix in order to make it work. You can stack fix Juju Scramble with Vigilante. Works only on versions 1.02/1.03/1.04.

qoznyyy likes this

Pizza Boy Instapass with Psycho Killer. Good luck finding the way to make it work. I'm not so sure if this can be softlocked somehow. Version 1.03 (iirc the only "possible" offset is this one).


Waste The Wife Instapass

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