Teleport only?
5 years ago
Illinois, USA

I'm just wondering why all the rules have a no walking locomotion rule. I'm trying to get into speedrunning Crimson, but it's been so long since I have used teleport that I am just doing horribly.

Is there a good reason for the teleport only rule?

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This was back when the only way to get walking in a quest is to use a custom room. Basically anything that wasn't possible in a public lobby was banned.

But now with CBM and the LS update, yeah this rule needs serious updating.

This place is currently undergoing a change in management, so expect it to be up and running again soon.

E: grammar

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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Sorry for not getting back to you! The rules have been updated a long time ago. Walking locomotion is now allowed.

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Locked due to inactivity.

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