No hit run.
1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I was asked yesterday about a no hit run of this game. My first questions is does anyone know of one? Second would be any advice on how to make this posable? In other games I have done it has been important to manipulate some aspects of the game like enemy spawns of item drops but do far I have not found anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated I'm not sure I'm going to grind it but I'm taking a quick look at it.

Pennsylvania, USA

Right now one thing I have worked on is when standing on the far right or left of the screen with the levitation active in some cases is 100% safe and you will kill enemies that run into you. You could then grind until getting a red jar for invincibility and then proceed to another "safe" spot and grind another red jar. This would be mind numbingly boring but safe-ish

Pennsylvania, USA

I see the speed run manips the blue jar in level1. Is that is a timer manip? It looks to have more to do with the time is is active kind like doors rather than a drop manip.

Idaho, USA

The manipulation of the Pink potion at the beginning has to do with time and it being a static spawn, you do a soft reset at a certain time for that to spawn immediately as the time value is stored on a soft reset. A hard reset will reset it entirely. There currently is not any known drop manipulation, any potions we get are entirely random and we play with it on the fly. The doors are entirely random as well, no manipulation for them (or this would be a whole lot easier to grind out lol).

I don't know of any no damage runs, those would be extremely slim to see done in this game as enemies spawn randomly from random directions and can hit you extremely quickly. Not to mention the Skeleton boss with 4 phases, Malkil himself, and the ghosts that surround you after each boss kill. I don't think levitating like that will work any place outside of the overworld areas where you can actually get to the edge of the screen. All other levels have walls and often have enemies spawn behind you.

Slackanater likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

Thanks for the reply! I have dove a little into it and you are right there are some spots that would be very hard but I have seen nothing imposable. However by the time you add up all the low % chance spots I think a no hit playthrough is very highly unlikely. I may look into the memory a bit to see how the RNG is created. You never know what we might find.

Thee_Deadguy likes this
Idaho, USA

If you can find anything that would help in RNG please do let us know, RNG destroys high times in this game.

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